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2022年考博英语-外交学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Julia Gillard, Australias prime minister, was forced to drop a controversial proposal to funnel the processing of people seeking asylum in her country through Malaysia.问题1选项A.channelB.siphonC.clagD.scintillate【答案】A【解析】考查近义动词辨析。A选项channel“引导,开导;提供资金;输送;开辟水道,形成凹槽”;B选项siphon“用虹吸管吸出;抽取”;C选项clag“阻碍;妨碍;凝结”;D选项scintillate“发出火花;闪烁”。句意:澳大利亚总理朱莉娅吉拉德(Julia Gillard)被迫放弃一项有争议的提案,该提案要求通过马来西亚来处理在澳大利亚寻求庇护的人。funnel“流经狭窄空间;通过漏斗将导入;汇集,传送”,A选项与该词词意最相近,因此A选项正确。2. 单选题What will( )lead to?问题1选项A.the policy of the governmentsB.this policy of the governmentsC.this policy of a governmentsD.the policy of a governments【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。双重属格的第一个名词不可以使用表示确定特指的the,但可以使用this。第二个名词词组则不可以用表示不确定特指的a,只能用the。句意:政府的这一政策将导致什么?因此B选项正确。3. 单选题People from upper( )gathered together at the auction yesterday.问题1选项A.cropB.cruxC.cultD.crust【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项crop“产量,农作物,庄稼,平头”;B选项crux“关键,症结,难题,十字架形,坩埚”;C选项cult“狂热,异教团体,宗教信仰,膜拜仪式,时髦的人(或事物),信徒”;D选项crust“地壳,外壳,面包皮,坚硬外皮”。upper crust“上流社会,上流阶级”。句意:上流社会的人昨天在拍卖会上聚集。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题With so much focus on the Ohio energy firm whose lapses may have triggered the blackout of 2003, its been hard to remember that the real question is not how it started, but why it spread so far and so fast. Rather than tackle that question head-on, most commentators have reached for the usual metaphors: it was a chain reaction, a cascading failures domino effect. All of these are borrowed from the physical sciences. Maybe a better way to look at it is in biological terms.We already use the language of epidemiology when we speak of “viruses” propagating across the Internet, “infecting” our computer. Likewise, its tempting to view the blackout, spreading from link to link along the power grid, as a pernicious kind of electrical contagion. But thats not quite the right metaphor, either. The blackout was not caused by an infectious electrical disease; it was caused by the grids immune response to the threat of such a disease. In other words, the grid suffered a violent allergic reaction, a sort of anaphylactic shock.Just as the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction are caused not by the offending bee who stings itself but by the overzealous response of the bodys immune system to it, so the blackout was aggravated by the grids attempt to defend itself, one power station at a time. Threatened by a torrent of electrical energy gone berserker overwhelmed by the sudden loads placed on it, each power plant in turn tripped its circuit breakers, detaching itself from the grid. Though this strategy achieved its desired aim-saving each plants generator from being damagedit was too myopic to serve the best interests of the grid as a whole.What is needed is a more subtle, coordinated mode of response. When our own immune systems are performing at their best, they orchestrate their defenses through countless chemical conversations among T-cells and antibodies, enabling these defenders to calibrate their response to pathogens. In the same way, the thousands of power plants substations in the grid need to be able to communicate with one another when any part of the system is breached, so they can collectively decide which circuit breakers should be tripped and which can safely remain intact.The technology necessary to achieve this has existed for about a decade. It relies on computer, sensors and protective devices tied together by optical fiber so that all parts of the grid would be able to talk to one another at the speed of light-fast enough to get ahead of an onrushing blackout and confine it.The sensors would continuously monitor the voltage, frequency and other important characteristics of the electricity coursing through the transmission lines. When a line appeared at risk of being overloaded, a computer would decide whether to switch on a protective device. At present, such decisions are made purely parochially. Power plants defend themselves first, and dont worry about the consequences for neighboring plants on the grid. Nor do they consider any potentially helpful or harmful actions that those neighbors might be taking at the same time.In the new approach, each plant would have nearly instantaneous information about all the other plants and power lines in its extended neighborhood. Everyone would know what everyone else was doing and thinking. As threats arose (either from random failures or malicious attacks), the sensors would fire a flurry of warning signals down the optical fibers, and the networked computers would decide which protective devices to activate to contain the threat most effectively. The grid would then be responding as an integrated entity, not as a ragtag collection of selfish units. It would look a lot like an organism defending itself.Granted, such a distributed control system would cost billions of dollars and, in this era of
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