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浙江省平阳县昆阳镇第三中学高二英语 晨读早读材料 新人教版1. Im collecting money in aid of starving children. 为帮助饥饿的孩子们,我正在搞募捐。2. I would give him first aid and call for assistance. 我将对他进行基本的急救,然后呼救。3. Nobody came to her aid when she was in trouble. 她身陷困境但无人施援。4. She had to stay home because her son fell ill. 因为儿子生病所以她得待在家里。5. His laziness caused him to fall behind the others. 他的懒惰使他落在了别人后面。6. The girl lost her balance and fell off/fell down from the balance beam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。8. She is suffering from food poison these days. 她这些天一直经受着食物中毒的痛苦。9. She is accused of poisoning the old lady.她被指控毒害了这个老太太。10. She made the children glad in a variety of ways. 她用各种方法使孩子们高兴。11. This tall tree was hit by an electric shock and burst into fire. 这棵大树遭到电击,并燃起了大火。12. His face was swollen (up) with toothache. 他的脸因牙痛而肿了起来。13. They have been squeezed out of the job market by young people. 他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。14. The young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil. 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。15. We will consider the problem over and over again. 这个问题我们还需再三斟酌。16. I like to have everything in place. 我喜欢把一切东西都在适当的位置。17. Its out of place to ask him to stay with us for dinner. 让他留下和我们共进晚餐是不合适的。18. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. 我们用筷子代替刀叉。19. Cleverness does not take the place of knowledge. 聪明不能代替知识。20. Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years.在过去的20年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。21. Thousands of farmers pour into big cities every day. 每天成千上万的民工涌入大城市。22. A number of questions came up at the meeting. 会议上提出了许多问题。23. The number of students of the school is increasing. 学校的学生人数正在增加。24. He read every book he could put his hands on. 他读了他所能找到的每一本书。25. Its my turn to treat you to lunch. 轮到我请你吃午饭了。26. You should treat your employees with more kindness. 你应该对你的雇员更仁慈些。27. Id like to apply for the part-time job. 我想申请做这份兼职工作。28. The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。29. It is difficult to apply oneself to a boring job. 致力于厌烦的工作是非常困难的。30. It is often the little details that make a difference. 发挥重要作用的往往是细微之处。二、重点句子 1. There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms.Slades life. 毫无疑问,正是约翰快捷的动作和他在中学所学的急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命.解释 There is no doubt that毫无疑问 There is some doubt whether是否,还有些疑问1) There is some doubt whether the young man can undertake such an important task. 这个年轻人是否能担当此重任仍有疑问. 2) There is no doubt that the evidence available is favorable for us. 毫无疑问,证据是对我方有利.2. Do not rub, as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.不要擦拭,因为这样会擦破水泡,伤口会感染。解释 “get+过去分词”表被动1) In China, most workers get paid by month.在中国,大部分工人按月领公司。2) So, as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.因此,如你所想象的,如果你的皮肤被烧伤了,就会变得非常的严重。3) Dont touch the hot stick, or youll get hurt by the high temperature.别碰那滚烫的铁棍,否则你会被它的温度灼伤的。4) His leg got broken in the football match.在足球比赛中,他的腿折了。3. So, as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious. 因此,正如你能想象到的,如果你的皮肤被烧伤了,那将会是十分严重的。 解释 as you can imagine 正如你能想象到的 as well all know 如我们所知1) English plays an important part in our daily life. So, as we all know, if you intend to learn English well, you should do some more practice.英语在我们的生活中起着很大的作用,因而,如我们所知,如果你想学好英语,你必须多多的实践。2) Dictionary plays an important role in our English study. So, as we all know, if you have a dictionary of you own, you can look up some new words in it on your own.词典在我们的英语学习中起着非常大的作用。因而,如我们所知,如果你有一本自己的词典,你就可以自己查询一些生词。4. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible. 如果烧伤的地方在手臂上或是在腿上,如果有可能的话,保持这些地方高于心脏。解释 if possible 如果有可能的话 if so 如果这样的话 if necessary 如果有必要的话1) If you desire to improve your English, recite some 10 sentences every day or learn 50 words by heart, if possible.如果你想提高英语,如果有可能的话,你每天要背诵10个句子或记住50个单词。2) When you read English books, dont use your dictionary and you can use it, if necessary, when you write English articles当你读英语书时,不要使用英语词典;当你在写英语时,如果有必要,你可以使用词典。5. Your skin also keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain; and it gives you your sense of touch. 你的皮肤也可以保持体温;它阻止你的身体丢失水分;它是你感到冷、热或是疼痛的地方;而且它给你触觉。【欣赏】The sun sinks behind the great castle-crested(装饰)mountains; the night falls suddenly; the river grows darker and darker; and lights quiver(抖动)in it from the windows in the old ramparts(壁垒), and twinkle peacefully in the villages under the hills on the opposite shore. 太阳从山顶上的古堡后面落了下去。黑夜突然降临,河水的颜色也越变越深。从年深日久的堡垒窗口发出的灯光射在河面上闪闪抖动。对岸山脚下的村庄里也静静地闪烁着灯光。
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