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Module 2My familyUnit 2 These are my parents. 1. 这些是红色的公共汽车。These are_ . They go to school_bus.A. in B. byC. at D. with2. This is a big_(医院). He is a teacher and his job is at a_ .A. shop B. schoolC. hotel D. theatre My sister works(工作)_(在医院). 小汤姆不想住院。Little Tom doesnt want to be . 3. His job is at a _(警察) station. These men are all _(policeman). The police_ all in the room. A. be B. am C. is D. are There is a police car at the police station. (翻译句子)_4. He is a(n) _and his job is at a hospital.A. doctorB. teacherC. policemanD. actor 成龙是一名演员。Jackie Chan is_.5. Wow, you look so happy!Yes, I got a good _just now.A. work B. newsC. job D. jobs6. 我们在同一所学校。We are at_. 他们两个看起来一样。They both_. Thank you all the same.(翻译句子)_7. Lucy is a nurse and her job is_a hospital.A. at B. onC. for D. of They are from England but they live _China. (填介词)8. Mr Black and his brother are both _.A. man teacherB. man teachersC. men teacherD. men teachers9. 你是做什么工作的?Whats_ ? What does the man do?(改为同义句)_the mans_ ?/ _the man?详解详析Unit 2These are my parents.考点直击单词精讲1. red busesB2. hospitalBat the hospitalat hospital3. police policemenD警察局里有一辆警车。4. Aan actor5. C,解析) 结合本题场景可知,“我”找到了一份好“工作”。要用可数名词job。故答案为C。6. the same schoollook the same仍然要谢谢你。句型解读7. Ain 8. D,解析) man teacher的复数形式是men teachers。故答案为D。9. your jobWhats; job; What is
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