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五年级冀教版英语下学期连词成句校外培训专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. forty low go monkeys high and (.)2. on, What, you, Tuesdays, do, have (?)3. I ice cream like much very (.)4. back, we, came, Sunday, last (.)5. sends, email, Danny, Bruce, to, an, (.)6. ends, school, at, past, four, half, (.)7. won, game, week, I, a, chess, last, (.)8. me, give, dollars, first, the, hundred (.)9. do many you bears how see (?)10. have noodles beef today We (.)11. doing,what,the,is,woman,now(?)12. our be, teacher, will, Ms Li, English, (.)13. on, we, train, were, the, Beijing, to, (.)14. study, Is, drinking, he, in, water, the (?)15. is, my, here, animal, favourite, (.)16. like you cabbages some would(?)17. bring, good, people, believe, luck, mascots, (.)18. sleeping,baby,the,is(?)19. are, there, on, chair, the, five, elephants, blue (.)20. is the when trip school (?)21. buildings, park, nature, are, any, there, tall, in, the (?)22. here, there, bags, two, are (.)23. talk, will, to, mother, she, her (.)24. umbrella, Its, Peters (.)25. spots, many, the, ladybird, does, how, have (?)26. tigersHowcanseeyoumany(?)27. a, world, This, map, the, is, of (.)28. says, she has, she, headache, a, that, got (.)29. pencil, his, the, on, floor, is (.)30. there, many, ducks, on, are, lake, the (.)31. have I soup want some to (.)32. you, to, would, with, like, go, us (?)33. going, work, not, Im, to (.)页码 / 总页数
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