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我能行作文我能行我喜欢星期天,可以睡懒觉,可以看电视,可以外出游玩,真带劲!可今天,却与往常不同了,因为我做了一件有意义的事。I like Sunday, can sleep in late, can watch TV, can go out to play, really interesting! But today, it is different from the usual, because I did a meaningful thing.那天,我揉揉那模糊的眼睛,起床了。来到客厅,空荡荡的一个人都没有,我叫道:“妈妈!”可没有人回答。我走到餐厅前,看见有妈妈的留言,上面写着“我去外婆家看望外婆了,你自己在家里要听话。”我看了一蹦三尺高,先打开电视,津津有味地看了起来,看着看着,突然觉得肚子唱起空城计,我来到冰箱前,打开一看,里面有蔬菜、鸡蛋、鸭肉等生食品,没有一样可以吃的。这下我范愁了,怎么呢?突然,我机灵一动,心想;我可以自己煎一个荷包蛋吃呀!反正那么好吃,又好做。说干就干,我围着围裙,开始做了。That day, I rubbed the fuzzy eyes and got up. When I came to the living room, there was no one left. I cried, Mom! No one answered. When I went to the restaurant, I saw a message from my mother saying, I went to visit my grandmother. You should obey me at home. I watched a three foot jump. First, I turned on the TV and watched it with interest. Suddenly, I felt that my stomach was singing empty city plan. I came to the refrigerator and opened it. There were vegetables, eggs, duck meat and other raw foods. There was nothing to eat. Now Im worried about fan. Whats the matter? All of a sudden, I thought, I can fry a poached egg myself! Anyway, its delicious and easy to make. Just do it. Im wearing an apron and Im starting to do it.我先从冰箱里拿出了一个又圆又亮的蛋,再学着妈妈的样子,去敲这个蛋。我一直敲,敲不破,就干脆用捏。只听“啪”的一声,蛋被我搞碎了,那油油的蛋白,弄得我全手都是,我把壳内的蛋倒了出来,用筷子搅拌均匀后,我又把葱切成短条,又放进蛋中搅拌。这时,我已经累得气喘吁吁了,但想起蛋那样美味的味道,我又恢复了精神。我继续把锅洗干净,放在煤气灶上。开火了,我把那桶重重的油提起,小心翼翼地向里倒,可是还是倒了太多。我自我安慰说:“没事,油多一点不一定更香呢!我再把拌好的蛋,倒入锅中,立刻溅起了无数的火花,溅到了我的手上,我立刻躲开,摸摸我自己的手,埋怨道:“痛死了!” 这时,锅渐渐恢复了平静,我用铲子把蛋前后翻转,可是没有想到,蛋没有翻成,却把蛋分成了两半。我哭笑不得。眼看蛋就要糊了,我不会翻,一急之下,我就把火关掉。倒了出来了,用筷子去品尝,可是我尝了尝,一点儿味道都没有,原来我忘记放调料了,但我还是把蛋吃了下去。毕竟这是我自己煎的蛋,我的脸上还是挂着愉快的笑容。傍晚,妈妈回来了,我把这件事告诉了妈妈,妈妈微笑地说:“我教你煎蛋,好吗?”我微笑地点了点头。In the evening, my mother came back. I told her about it. She smiled and said, Ill teach you how to fry eggs, OK? I nodded with a smile.这个星期天过得真愉快,因为我明白了劳动是快乐的!Its been a good Sunday, because I understand that labor is happy!
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