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应聘外贸业务员面试英文自我介绍应聘外贸业务员面试英文自我介绍范文 【篇一】 o oring/fternoon! Thksr iving me te c he Idlike ointroce yelfbriflfrstMy nmeisXang. I w or and rwu inShoing city. So Im a naive pele. Igradutd fomanhou Diniuiversiy nd ot myEgli cor dere in Jue this yr.My Engls skils ar beyon doubt se I havpassed CET4ndCET6 wth god mrks I am retty good at oral andwriten glih ad can rea latest infomation bu compter sciece wll in Eis. sde my gooaadmic sdies, I hae mnyhobes and enosome communty ativtis. I laadminto ell ad et on welith m clssmes anfieds.I anage t balance studynd lfe ll. “Im interestedinarkeng and PR. La smr Ididsme ork o all onproitIaohaveeeienc tse reathrugh my involvment i udt and cmmunit organiztions. Nextyar, I hoeo btai a posiion ith a dto lrg-sizedmarketigPR rm”If Icage tis job, of cors, I willu all y me ad enegy on iscareerll eend my sce ofeeent knowldge On he othrhand, I shod proote m sen ofresponsibility, opitn and cooeration. Thats l, thnk yu fr gingmehe hnce! 【篇二】 elo,y nami . I graduate from xxx oleage. My majoris -cmrce.One pat my corses a va, P, QL nd oh abut peraio for cmpu oftwr.The othr part isybr maretng, lost manaeet so o whc sreated itrional trade.I am vry livelyd cherfly, adIlike we taeverymc.SoI hink wllb equaltotheinernatonal trad sly asIm no onlyaser omte ut alsonternettrade. Iwil trym bettolooking fr cuomrs foourcmany as ongas yuan give chnce.Taks er muc!
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