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2017八年级英语下册Module7SummerinLosAngelesUnit1Pleasewritetomeandsendmesomephotos同步练习(新版)外研版Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos.单项选择()1.He is a lovely boy _ he is helpful.AandBbutCorDwhile()2.I can come _ I will be a little late.Aand Bbut Cor Dwhile()3.Either give a hand,_ leave right away.Aand Bor Cthen Dbut()4.She is kind to the others,_ all of us love her.Abut Bthough Cso Dif()5.It _ reasonable but I dont think it is right.Alooks Blook Csounds Dsound()6.Can I pay _ the bill by credit card(信用卡)?Ato Bby Cfor Dwith()7.What clothes should I _ LA?Abring Btake to Cfetch Dcarry()8.Youd better _ the warm coat because it is cold today.Ato put on Bputting onCputing on Dput on.完成句子1顺便说一句,下次别再迟到了。_,dont be late next time.2你最好遵守交通规则。_ obey the traffic rules.3孩子们看起来有点累。The children _.4请给我写信并提一些建议。Please _ me and give me some advice.综合填空There are so 1.m_ people learning English in China now.Perhaps there will be more 2.a_ more.Why?Not only Chinese but 3.a_ people in other countries are learning English.English is used almost all over the 4.w_.You can see or hear English on the 5.I_,on TV,on newspapers,even on the streets.Its everywhere.Students learn it if they want to go to 6.c_.Adults learn it 7.b_ they may use it at work.Some people go 8.a_ to learn English,but most learn at school or by themselves.If you want to learn it 9.w_,you can listen to the tapes,sing English songs,study grammar or ask others for help.There are lots of ways to learn English.Just try your 10.b_.You will sure learn it well.参考答案.15 ABBCC68 CBD .1.By the way2.Youd better3.look a little tired4.write to.1.many2.and3.also4.world 5Internet6.college7.because 8abroad9.well10.best1
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