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现代语言学自考题-23(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BI.Direc tio nsJudge whe ther each of the following stat emen ts is true or false/B(总题数:21,分数:21.00)1. Just as life continues in a process of change, all living languages change with time. (分数:1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析:解析正如生命要在变化中延续一样,所有活的语言也在随着时光的流转变化着。除了那些在社会 中不为大多数人所使用的语言之外,如拉丁语,语言的变化都是不可避免的。2. The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.(分数:1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析大家都能接受英语被划分为古英语、中世纪英语和现代英语3个历史阶段的划分方法。这种 划分是随意的、约定俗成的。历史语言学家们之所以把语言划分为不同的历史时期,是因为他们想有一个 更方便的、更切合实际的研究语言变化的方法。这绝不意味着古英语是在某一特定的时间阶段转化成中世 纪英语的。改正:The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is conventional and somewhat arbitrary.3. The Anglo-Saxons were migrants from the northern parts of Europe, so the words that they originally used and the words that the English vocabulary has later taken in from other languages are regarded as loan words.(分数:1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析 古英语可以追溯到公元5世纪中叶,当时说英语的盎格鲁-撒克逊人从北欧入侵了不列颠群岛。英语中绝大多数基本词汇均来自古英语。改正:Old English dates back to the mid-fifth century whenAnglo-Saxons,thespeakersofEnglisc,invadedtheBritishIslesfromnorthernEurope.Many of the most basic terms in the English language originate from Old English4. The word order of Old English is more varied than that of Modern English.(分数:1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误 解析:解析从形态学的角度来看,接近半数的名词都有屈折形式以分别表示主格、属格、与格及受格等。 从句法上来说,古英语句子中的动词位于主语之前,而不像现在那样位于主语的后面。5. Modern English began with the Norman Conquest.(分数:1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析 中世纪英语开始于说法语的诺曼底人在威廉大帝的率领下于公元1066年对英格兰的入侵。而真正成为现代英语和中世纪英语分界点的不是欧洲的军事侵略,而是欧洲的文艺复兴运动。改正:What separated the period of Middle English from that of Modern English was not European military invasion, but European Renaissance Movement.6. The Great Vowel Shift in the history of English occurred approximately between 1400 and 1600. (分数:1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析:解析 英语的变化中最引人注目的是发生在元音方面的那些系统的、规则的变化。最重要的、影响 英语元音最广泛的一系列变化发生在中古英语时期的末期,即大约在公元 1400 年到 1600 年之间。这些变 化导致了英语中的语素与其语音表象之间的一些主要的差别即现代英语中发音和拼写系统的不一致。/k/ preceding the /s/. This means that a historical metathesis rule switched these two consonants, producing ask in most dialects of English. Metathesis is the phonological process that reorders segments, often by transposing two adjoining sound segments.(分数:1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析:解析 语音的位移作为语音变化的结果,一般称为语音变位,它指的是两个相邻的语音在位置上的 互换。古英语中涉及语音成分位置交换的例子有bridd(鸟)和hros(马)等。当这些词发生了语音变位之后, /r/音向元音右侧的位移就导致了它们在现代英语中的对应词bird和horse,题干中所说的动词ask以前 的形式是aksian也属这种情况。8.In OldEnglishthe mainnegation elementwas ne. Like Modern English not, the ne usually occurred after the auxiliary verb.(分数:1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析古英语中主要的否定词是ne,它直接位于动词前。改正:Ne usually occurred beforethe verb.9.InModernEnglish,bothauxiliaryverbsandmainverbscanbefrontedininterrogativesentences. (分数: 1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析: 解析 在现代英语中,助动词的句法作用和主要动词的不同在于,只有助动词才可以在疑问句中前 置。但在16世纪以前,就不曾存在过这种助动词和主要动词之间的句法差别。改正:The syntactic behavior of auxiliary verbs differs from that of main verbs in that only auxiliary verbs can be fronted in interrogative sentences.10. Derivation covers various processes of word formation by the addition of affixes, such as the creation of adjectives from nouns (professional profession), nouns from verbs (computer compute), adjectives from verbs (conceivable conceive), and verbs from nouns (eulogize eulogy). (分数:1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析:解析 英语词汇的发展史其实就是一个大量利用外借及构词法的历史。派生法指的是通过把词缀添 加到词根、词干或单词上面以构成新词的过程。11. The word UN is an abbreviation, while TV is an acronym.(分数:1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析 首字母缩略词是通过把许多词的首字母合并的方式而构成的、作为标准单词发音的词。缩写 法是用一个单词或短语的缩写形式来代表其完整的形式,它的读音是一个字母一个字母地念,互不拼读。UN 和 TV 均为缩写法。改正:The words TV and UN are abbreviations.12. An acronym is a shortened form of a word or phrase which represents the complete form. (分数: 1.00)A. 正确B. 错误丿解析:解析一个首字母缩略词是用把许多词的首字母合并的方式而构成的新词。例如,UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization),而缩写法是用一个单词或短语的缩写 形式来代表其完整的形式。例如, Dr(doctor) 。改正: An acronym is a word created by combining the initials of a number of words. Clipping is a kind of abbreviation of otherwise longer words or phrases.13. New words may be formed from existing words by subtracting an affix thought to be part of the oldword;thatis,ignorancesometimescanbecreative.Thuspeddlewasderivedfrompeddleron the mistaken assumption that the -er was the agentive suffix.(分数: 1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析: 解析 逆向构词法是把一个已经存在的单词的所谓“词缀”去掉以构成新词的过程。例如, typewrite(typewriter), edit(editor), peddle(peddler)。14. The invention of steam-powered boats gave the verb sail an opportunity to extend its meaning to boats without sails. This example indicates that the meaning or semantic representation of words may become broader.(分数: 1.00)A. 正确丿B. 错误解析: 解析 语义广义化指的是一个单词的意义变得比它以前外延概括性更强、更具包含性的过程。单词 sail本意指“帆”,随着蒸汽船的发明,动词sail的含义扩大到了没有帆的船,这就是一个语义扩大的 例子。15. The word knight once meant youth, but was elevated in meaning in time for the age of
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