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文件编号Document No.:UI-R-601-1 D/0北京联合智业认证有限公司上海分公司 Beijing United Intelligence Certification Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch认证申请书Certification Requisition 申请方名称Applicant Name:福建恒实建设发展有限公司组织注册地址:福建省宁德市东侨经济开发区天湖东路13号(东湖豪门)13幢305 Register Address 邮编Postcode:352100组织经营地址:福建省宁德市闽东中路12号建设局大楼6层Business Address 邮编Postcode:352100组织生产地址:Production Address 邮编Postcode:法定代表人Legal Representative: 褚晓龙 联系电话Tel.:18659361000 管理者代表:林凌 联系电话Tel:0593-2861173 传真Fax:0593-2861173Management Representative 手机(必填)Mobile(required):18959332200 联系人Contact person:魏文成 联系电话Tel:13305038689传真Fax:0593-2861173 E-mail:17161231qq.com 申请领域Area to Be Applied for质量管理体系认证QMS Certification CNAS UKAS环境管理体系认证EMS Certification CNAS UKAS 职业健康安全管理体系认证 OHSAS Certification CNAS 食品安全管理体系认证 FSMS Certification UKAS其它 Others申请认证类型Certification Types of Application: 初审Initial Audit 再认证Recertification 证书转换Certificate Transfer其它Others 申请认证覆盖范围Covered Scopes Applied for Certification:质量管理体系认证QMS Certification 认证标准Certification Standard:CNAS GB/T19001-2008/ ISO9001:2008 UKAS ISO9001:2008 CNAS GB/T50430-2007质量管理体系覆盖产品区域、产品/服务范围Scopes of Area and Product/Service Covered by QMS: 房屋建筑工程、市政公用工程的监理服务 环境管理体系认证EMS Certification 认证标准Certification Standard:CNAS GB/T24001-2004 ISO14001:2004 UKAS ISO14001:2004环境管理体系覆盖区域、活动、产品/服务范围Scopes of Area, Activity and Product/Service Covered by EMS: 职业健康安全管理体系认证OHSAS Certification 认证标准Certification StandardCNAS GB/T28001-2011/OHSAS/18001:2007 职业健康安全管理体系覆盖区域、活动、产品/服务范围Scopes of Area, Activity and Product/Service Covered by OHSAS: 食品安全管理体系认证FSMS Certification 认证标准Certification Standard:UKAS ISO22000:2005 食品安全管理体系覆盖区域、活动、产品/服务范围Scopes of Area, Activity and Product/Service Covered by FSMS: 其它Others拟认证产品和依据的标准Products to Be Certificated & Standards to Which Certification Is Operated:序号Serial No.产品类别Product Type产品名称Product Name规格、型号Specifications & Model产品标准代号Product Criterion Code补充技术要求Supplement Technical Requirements注:在选中的“”中打“” Note: Make cross mark “” in selected block “q”组织基本情况调查Investigation of Basic Status of Organization1、管理体系文件发布运行时间Time of Management System Documents Release & System Operation: 2、要求认证审核时间Time of Certification Audit Requested: 3、如接受过咨询服务,请注明咨询单位名称及咨询组成员名单If consultation services were accepted, please indicate name of consultant organization and list of consultant team members: 4、是否获得过认证证书Were certification certificates granted or not?:是Yes 否No证书情况Certificate Status质量管理体系QMS环境管理体系EMS职业安全健康管理体系OHSMS食品安全管理体系FSMS其它Others颁发机构Issuing Body颁证日期Issue Date5、是否在一年内有被其他认证机构审核不推荐认证注册的第三方审核结论?Whether are you refused to commend to register in the third audit conclusion by the other certification body in the last 12 months? 是Yes 认证机构名称Name of the certification body: 否No6、固定场所(分公司、子公司或不在同一地点的部门,请分别填写,不够可另附页)Fix Locations (Please fill in separately for sub-company, subsidiary or departments in different place, attached pages can be used if space is insufficient.)地点Locations名称Name与总部关系、场所人数及距离The Relationship with head office, local staff amount and Distance with Headquarters是否具有法
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