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仁爱版英语八上t 1 Tpic 2测试题(满分:10分;时间:0分钟)题号第一 部 分第 二 部 分总分得分第一部分:听力(15分).听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(分)( ) 1. A.Sure,whats it.Sur, I n.C. Srr,I wil.( )2.A oesnt matteB o at al.C.Rht.( ) 3. ee mid.Ye, Idlv to.Yo weloe.( ).A. IagreB. We ae gad to.C. Of course e wil.( ) 5.No rolemB God ie.C. Ye, ll tr.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分)( )6. ThlTheboys.Claree.( ) . A. No, it sntB. s, it s. Te all fort .( ) 8. Theyre layig asketball.B. The areading.C. Tey ar watcng mat.( ) 9. A.Payingbasetbal.B. Playn otbal.C. Playn tennis.( ) 0. . Paying setbllB RnnngCGoing out rwa.听短文,判断正()误(F)。短文读两遍。(分)( ) 11Bakeball one of te os opulaaein China( ) 2. Every wee e ca wa teBA games o TV. () 1. YaMigs ell-owa one thestbsketbll plaers n thewold no.( )4 Bater is in the .S. A. t NBAow. ( ) 15. askbl can make peop from dferntotries becoe closefriends.第二部分:笔试 (5分).单项选择。(1分)( ) . Wulyu mnddoingthe dihes_. Certaily.O cursenot. Illdo them in mint Sry, I wont.D. es, I mid.( ) 2 Wld you pleas _ to the zo. wkngB.o lkC.walk. walks( ) 3. hy iy go shoppingwith s this Sturday e no ide. She often her gradfathrver eked.A. wont;visiB. ot; will vit.wont;wll isit. do;visits( ) 4 _ farfrom herSr,I don kno. te CpitalSadiumB the capal sdiumC. Capitaltadiums.the cpitaltadium( ) 5. ep _ Enlish, adyo wll irove ou oralEngih(口语). peaB speagC. sa. peaks( ) 6 Kagkangs oter has eafn _, and looks it.A unB. o rn runDrunning( ) 7. Will you jo _A.otvery oftenB. Aundan houC. I h not.Of ou, Ill( ) 8. I sorry fr _ I id tdsn atter.A. h.which. haD. h( ) Don wo, Madam. Your auher wil e_ oo.Tank u, otor iceB. godC. wellD. right( )10.t ls, we cde(决定)o go hiking instead of _.A. go shopn going shopC. go shoD. going shoppng情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。: Therewill b afootball gm at the Chidrens alae tomorowaftenoon. o yo knwB: 11 Sall weo a wth iA: 2 Lets o at af pasto.B: 13 A:n troaotsd the scool ae. B: Woldymingoing terby bkeA: 14 I like tkigabus. B: 15 Lets gother by bu A:OK. See you oorow. B: Seyou tomorow. aking s is much etter Why otC RlyD. he arweging eetE. Srr,I dntlik ridi bik. 11. 12. 1. 14 5. .完形填空。(10分)What shul e dotostay heltOimportantre itoeerie 1 . Te Les amilytry to ercise everydy. Lee Fng 17 exercise n heorning eus emsbe a his jobatectly sev oclock.Bt runs everyei. He wuld ratr ru than wach.He wlks lot, 18.He als to schol vry a, nd after schlh 19 ferentprs wih his friend. Le Fag oes to yoga(瑜伽) clss 20 Btt wast 1 hisw. at yerMrnd MrsLeed t 22 eyhre, even otedrstore(药店) olock(街区) way. hey huht they ha to us thecr all t time. Tey wuldn walk Tees ll 23 bter now. A they beliee ou utnt be azy.ou 24 exercse vey da Butou houl 2 to get ishape a sta in sap(身体健康).( )6. A. oftenB. oetmesC. lte . latr( ) 17. .may tBcan not ouldD.shld nt( ) 18 . eihB. soCto D. again( ). . watesB. playsC. loveD. pratiss( ) 20 A. in wowekB frtw weeksC.afte w weeks . twice a ee( )21.A alw. seldomC. ully D.smetim( )2.AieB. diveC. fly D.walk( ) 23 .hadB. a. fee D feeike( ) 24. edB.donC. wonthve to D. mutnt( ) . . tr. waC.wis D. e.阅读理解。(30分)()Maryikes srs.Thr i go to e sprt t in he schol on . Se l ake pa in thig jump and te long jump, an the ote girlne classaureshe ill wn bh. hen e aysbfoethe port ee, wnMar clmeda hill, she was wounded(受伤
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