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西安市远东第一中学20112012学年度第一学期七年级12月月考英语试题第卷(选择题,共45分). 单项选择:请从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(101分=10分)( )1-_ the books? -Theyre 15 yuan. AHow many is BHow many are CHow much is DHow much are( )2This action movie is very _. I like it very much.A. successful B. small C. difficult D. happy( )3Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin. Athe, the B, Cthe, D , the( )4. Our teacher always helps us _ our English. A. for B. into C. on D. with( )5. Victor sings well. He can _ in our school music festival.A. is B. are C. be D. am( )6. There are _ months in a year. The _ month is December. Atwelve, twelve Btwelfth, twelfth Ctwelve, twelfth Dtwelfth, twelve( )7Can you paint? _.AYes, a little BYes, little CNo, a little DNo, little( )8When _ you have a school trip? Sorry, I _ know.Aare, dont Bdo, arent Care, arent Ddo, dont( )9Do you often go to _ football games _ your friends?Asee, and Blook at, with Cwatch, and Dwatch, with( )10-What can you do, Lin Tao? - _.AI like sports BI want to join the music clubCI am well DI can do Chinese Kung Fu. 完形填空(101分=10分)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各个小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。June 11 action movies and she often goes 12 Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very 13 . She thinks documentaries are boring, 14 she doesnt like 15 . She thinks they are scary. She 16 likes Beijing Opera. Some 17 dont like it, but she thinks it is very 18 . She thinks she can 19 Chinese history. She 20 to see Beijing Opera with her friends.( ) 11. A. really like B. like really C. really likes ( ) 12. A. seeing B. to see C. see ( ) 13. A. exciting B. boring C. difficult ( ) 14. A. but B. so C. and( ) 15. A. comedies B. thrillers C. documentaries( ) 16. A. too B. either C. also ( ) 17. A. people B. peoples C. Chinese( ) 18. A. interesting B. boring C. scary ( ) 19. A. learn about B. think of C. learns about ( ) 20. A. has B. go C. wants. 阅读理解 (21-25小题一题1分,26-35小题一题2分,共25分)A) 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。AJim is a basketball fan (球迷). He is very good at(擅长) playing basketball. Michael Jordan is his favorite basketball player. Jim is on the school basketball team. Every Friday afternoon, they play basketball after class. Jims friend Mike isnt good at basketball, but hes very good at football. Ronaldo is his favorite football player. Mike is on the football team. They play football every Tuesday afternoon.( )21. Jim likes basketball very much. ( )22. Michael Jordan is a football player.( )23. Jim plays basketball every day.( )24. Jims friend Mike is good at basketball, too. ( )25. Ronaldo is Jims favorite football player. B)阅读下面两篇短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。BThere are many kinds of movies in the world. For example: comedies, thrillers, documentaries, romances, action movies People love movies. Comedies make people laugh because they are funny. Thrillers make people frightened (受惊吓的) and cry because they are scary. Documentaries bring people knowledge because they are instructive (有教育性的). People like romances because they are romantic (浪漫的). People also like action movies a lot because they are exciting. Different people like different kinds of movies. Girls always like romances. Boys like action movies and thrillers. But all girls and boys like comedies.( ) 26. How many kinds of movies do you know from the passage?A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.( ) 27. What kind of movies make people cry and frightened?A. Action movies. B. Documentaries. C. Comedies. D. Thrillers.( ) 28. What kind of movies are instructive?A. Action movies. B. Documentaries. C. Comedies. D. Romances.( ) 29. Why do people like action movies?A. Because they are exciting. B. Because they are instructive.C. Because they are romantic. D. Because they are interesting.( ) 30. What kind of movies do boys like according to the passage?A. Action movies and thrillers. B. Documentaries and action movies.C. Thrillers and romances. D. Comedies, action movies and thrillers.CHello, everyone! Welcome to Huaxing Clothes Store. We have sweaters in all colors. Theyre very cheap. Please h
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