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中国矿业大学采矿工程专业2014届毕业设计说明书前 言矿井毕业设计是采矿工程专业最后一个教学环节,是对函授期间所学知识的一次综合性考察,其目的是使我们运用本科阶段所学的理论知识并联系矿井生产实际而进行的矿井开采设计,以培养和提高我们分析和解决实际问题的能力,是对我的一次综合性能力演练。 本次设计的题目是XX煤矿0.9Mt/a新井设计,是在XX煤矿井田地质特征的基础上,结合搜集到的其它相关原始资料,运用所学知识同时参考采矿学、煤炭工业矿井设计规范、煤矿矿井开采设计手册、井巷工程、通风安全学等参考资料,在指导老师精心指导下独立完成。此次毕业设计是根据国家煤炭建设的有关方针政策,结合设计矿井的实际情况,遵循采矿专业毕业设计大纲的要求,在收集、整理、查阅大量资料的前提下完成设计的。在设计的过程中,我受益非浅,自己感觉在看的书还是太少,钻研得还是不够深刻,这激励我以后要再接再厉。由于本人水平有限以及对知识的掌握程度不高,设计中难免存在错误和疏漏,恳请各位老师批评指正。 设计人:XXX 2016年9月25日1摘 要XX煤矿位于山西省尧都区境内,由6个矿(临汾中煤建刁尚沟煤矿有限公司、山西临汾来宏煤业有限公司、山西临汾尧都东太煤业有限公司、山西临汾郭家庄煤矿有限公司、山西临汾老君煤矿有限公司、山西临汾鑫浩煤业有限公司)和空白区组成。 矿井的设计思想是以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,以科技进步为动力,认真贯彻执行国家有关煤炭建设的方针政策,按照高起点、高技术、高效率、高效益的建设方针,结合本矿资源条件和优势,运用现代先进的设计理念,积极采用先进适用的新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料;根据系统工程的思想,进行全面策划,综合考虑,实现系统创新。按照系统配套,整体协调的总要求,贯彻生产高度集中化、开拓开采系统简单化、采掘高产高效综机化、煤流胶带输送机化、辅助运输单一化、主要设备集控自动化、监控管理信息化、地面布置合理化和技术经济合理化的技术原则,把本矿井建设成为高产高效、安全可靠的国内现代化矿井。设计特点(1)本井田共查明保有资源/储量(111b+122b+333)为102.41Mt,其中2号煤层保有资源/储量(111b+122b+333)为4.74 Mt,10号煤层保有资源/储量(111b+122b +333)为97.67Mt。根据该井田的地质储量计算,全矿井工业资源/储量为100.95Mt,矿井设计资源储量为98.12Mt,矿井设计可采储量为74.2Mt。矿井设计生产能力为0.9Mt/a,服务年限58.9a。(2)矿井建设规模为0.90Mt/a,服务年限58.9a。(3)工业场地选择在原老君庙煤矿工业场地。采用斜井开拓方式,利用已有老君庙井筒进行改造,即刷大并延伸老君庙煤矿副斜井仍作为XX煤矿副斜井;刷大并延伸原有回风斜井作为主斜井;利用原有回风立井井筒并装备梯子间作为回风井及安全出口,其中主斜井装备1m,运量260t/h的带式输送机,用于煤炭运输。同时布置一套架空乘人器,用于运输人员上下井。井筒内敷设消防洒水管路以及下井电缆,同时用于安全通道;副斜井装备直径2.5m的单绳缠绕式提升机1台,担负矿井全部辅助提升任务,敷设消防洒水管路、排水管路、压风管路及通讯电缆,兼做矿井安全通道;回风井井筒直径4.5m,担负全矿井回风任务。(4)大巷煤炭运输采用胶带机连续运输,大巷辅助运输采用有轨运输,井底车场采用调度绞车运输,大巷采用无极绳连续牵引车牵引矿车运输。(5)根据矿井实际情况,考虑矿井煤层赋存条件,本次设计主要考虑9+10+11号煤的开采;矿井达到设计生产能力时布置1个采区,1个综采放顶煤工作面,工作面长度165m。布置2个综掘工作面,其中1个综掘工作面兼有普掘设备,保证回采工作面及开拓接替。(6)矿井采用抽出式通风系统,初期采用中央并列式通风方式。关键词:斜井开拓 胶带机连续运输 放顶煤综采 现代化矿井 设计人:XXXAbstractJin Niu coal mine is located in the territory of Shanxi District of Yaodu Province, the 6 mines (Linfen zhongmeijian Shang Diao Gou Coal Mine Co. Ltd., Shanxi Linfen Coal Industry Co. Ltd., Shanxi Linfen Wang Yaodu Dongtai coal limited, Shanxi Linfen Co. Ltd., Shanxi Guo Jia Zhuang coal mine of Linfen Coal Mine Co. Ltd., Shanxi Laojun Linfen Xinhao Coal Co. Ltd.) the composition and blank area.The design idea of mine is with the market oriented, taking economic benefits as the center, with the progress of science and technology as the driving force, conscientiously implement the relevant national coal construction policies, in accordance with the principle of high starting point, high technology, high efficiency and high efficiency of construction, combined with the mineral resources conditions and advantages, using modern advanced design concept, actively the use of advanced new technologies, new processes, new equipment and new materials; according to the thought of system engineering, comprehensive planning, comprehensive consideration, system innovation. In accordance with the general requirements of the overall coordination of supporting system, and implement the highly centralized production and exploitation system simple, high yield and high efficiency of comprehensive mining, coal flow belt conveyor, single auxiliary transport equipment control technology, the main principle of automation, monitoring information management, the layout of rationalization and technical and economic rationalization, the mine construction has become a high yield and high efficiency and safety of domestic modern mine.Design features(1) the field is found to maintain reserves (111b+122b+333) for 102.41Mt, which has No. 2 coal resources / reserves (111b+122b+333) 4.74 Mt, No. 10 coal reserves resources / reserves (111b+122b +333) 97.67Mt. According to the geological reserves of the mine, all mine industrial resources / reserves of 100.95Mt, mine design resources reserves of 98.12Mt, mine design can be mined reserves of 74.2Mt. Mine design and production capacity of 0.9Mt/a, service life of 58.9a.(2) the mine construction scale is 0.90Mt/a, the service life is 58.9a.(3) the industrial site selection in the original Laojunmiao colliery. The slope development mode, to improve the existing Laojunmiao wellbore, namely the brush and extension of auxiliary slope Laojunmiao coal mine is as auxiliary slope cattle brush and Shanxi coal mine; extending the original return slope as the main shaft; the use of the original air shafts and equipment between the ladder as well and return the exit, the main shaft equipment 1m. Belt conveyor for coal transport volume 260t/h. At the same time, the arrangement of a set of overhead passenger, used to transport personnel up and down the well. Fire sprinkler pipe and wellbore laying underground cables, and safe passage for inclined shaft diameter of 2.5m; equipment for single rope winding hoisting machine 1, responsible for all mine auxiliary hoisting tasks, laying fire sprinkler pipe, drainage pipe, air pressure
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