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大学英语(3)课程作业_C交卷时间:2017-05-24 11:45:59一、单选题1.(4分)What a _ watch it is! A.most beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.beautiful纠错得分:4知识点:形容词考察展开解析2.(4分)We often _ a particular color with a piece of music, a book, a play or a person. A.refer B.know C.associate D.like纠错得分:4知识点:第四单元展开解析3.(4分)Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _. A.gaps B.rates C.lengths D.intervals纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析4.(4分)No one here believes the reason _ he gave for his lateness. A.that B.why C.for which D.what t纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语展开解析5.(4分)Few Asian-American students major in human sciences mainly because _ A.their English is not good enough. B.they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas C.there is a wide difference between Asian and Western cultures D.they know little about American culture and society纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析6.(4分)He has_ books in his study. A.several thousands B.some thousands of C.some thousands D.some thousand of纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析7.(4分)Thanks _ his laziness ,the work was delayed a great deal. A.for B.to C.by D./纠错得分:4知识点:第一单元展开解析8.(4分)Some films have a misleading _ on children. A.affect B.effect C.impacts D.effects纠错得分:4知识点:第八单元展开解析9.(4分)A few years later,i found my hometown completely _. A.changed B.changing C.to be changed D.to change纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语展开解析10.(4分)“That latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, no ,_.” A.it didnt B.it mustnt C.it hasnt D.it must havent纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语展开解析11.(4分)How far is _ from Beijing _ Shanghai? A./, to B.this, will C.that, will D.it, to纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语展开解析12.(4分)A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift. A.has offered B.are offered C.is offered D.have offered纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语展开解析13.(4分)Not until yesterday _ some money for his sick mother. A.did he get B.did get he C.he got D.would he get纠错得分:4知识点:倒装句展开解析14.(4分)He _ for two year. A.has died B.died C.is died D.has been died纠错得分:4知识点:时态考察展开解析15.(4分)What are the major factors that determine the success of Asian-Americans? A.A solid foundation in basic mathematics and Asian culture. B.Hard work and intelligence. C.Hard help and a limited knowledge of English. D.Asian culture and the American educational system.纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析16.(4分)I know I _ have been there, but I _ not find the time. A.should, would B.should, could C.might, could D.could, could纠错得分:4知识点:情态动词展开解析17.(4分)Thank you for your _ attention to the matter. A.seasonable B.prompt C.great D.eager纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析18.(4分)Only on Saturdays _ play basketball. A.he does B.can he C.he can D.does he纠错得分:4知识点:倒装句展开解析19.(4分)She set out soon after dark _ home an hour later. A.arriving B.to arrive C.having arrived D.and arrived纠错得分:4知识点:非谓语动词考察展开解析20.(4分)The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that _. A.most newspapers are run by big businesses B.even arts and entertainment are regarded as business C.Americans of all professions know how to do business D.even public organizations concentrate on working for profits纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析21.(4分)It is useful to be able to predict the extent _ which a price change will affect supply and demand. A.from B.to C.for D.with纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析22.(4分)What date is it? A.July twentieth-first B.of July twenty-first C.the twenty-first of July D.the twentieth-first of July纠错得分:4知识点:大学英语3展开解析二、判断1.(4分)From the passage we can ge the idea that the fuzzy computer would need only a few dozen lines of programming to do its job.纠错得分:4知识点:第三单元 课文内容 考察展开解析2.(4分)In USA.the legal age to buy tobacco is 17.纠错得分:4知识点:第六单元 课文内容 考察展开解析3.(4分)The minority of American women value companionship as the most important part of marriage.纠错得分:4知识点:第二单元 课文内容 考察展开解析考试成绩100分用时:12分58秒正确错误不判断试题导航展开
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