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2022年高中英语Module4LanguagesoftheWorldSection自我小测外研版选修.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子。1Lately there has been a _(趋势) towards hiring younger,cheaper employees.2There are many _(定义) of the word “feminism”3The _(前景) for the weekend is unsettled,with periods of heavy rain.4Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers with great _(热情)5Most babies can _(消化) a wide range of food easily.6Ive only seen short _(选段) from the film.7Parents have called for an independent _(询问) into the accident.8His research _(记录) how the crisis occurred.9People with the virus may feel perfectly well,but they can still _(传染) others.10Ill send the spreadsheet as an _(附件).根据所给汉语完成句子。1他每两天往家打一次电话。He makes a phone call _ _ _.2我们平均每天收到五封信。_ _ we receive five letters each day.3他每天至少抽半包烟。He smoked _ _ half a packet of cigarettes a day.4他只是个工人。He is _ _ _ a worker.5请查一下火车什么时候开。Please _ _ when the train starts.用所给短语的正确形式填空。refer to.as.one by onethat istoo muchtake it for granted1The cities of Wuchang,Hankou and Hanyang are often _ Wuhan.2Well meet you in a week,_,on March 5.3I _ that he will succeed.4I cant finish this job by Friday;you expect _ of me.5All the applicants were interviewed _.书面表达假设你是陕西一中的一名学生,你在学校说普通话,而在家里却说本地方言,请用英语写一篇短文,介绍你说的发言和普通话的异同。_【写作指导】本文要求写一篇介绍自己所说的方言与普通话异同的短文,属于典型的对比类文章。文章的时态应以一般现在时为主。写方言与普通话的区别时,最好举一至两个例子,使文章内容更为充实。参考答案.1答案:trend2答案:definitions3答案:outlook4答案:enthusiasm5答案:digest 6答案:extracts7答案:inquiry8答案:documents9答案:infect10答案:attachment.1答案:every two days2答案:On average3答案:at least4答案:no more than5答案:find out.1答案:referred to as2答案:that is3答案:take it for granted4答案:too much5答案:one by one.参考范文:We Chinese speak Putonghua as the mother tongue.But in Shaanxi,people speak Shaanxi dialect in their daily life,but not in formal situations.So there are some differences between Putonghua and Shaanxi dialect.There are not any differences in grammar and written Chinese in Putonghua and Shaanxi dialect.But in Shaanxi dialect,people say “shunyan”,meaning “beautiful”,which means “piaoliang” in Putonghua.Though Putonghua and Shaanxi dialect are different in pronunciation and intonation,we can tell them easily,for example,people pronounce “mei” (meaning “nothing”) in Putonghua while people in Shaanxi dialect pronounce “mu”However,there are not many differences between them.So most of the time people who speak Putonghua do not have any difficulty in municating with people who speak Shaanxi dialect.
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