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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!摘 要众所周知,社区作为当代国家居民居住的基础,是我国公共文化服务体系建设当中最重要,最不可或缺的课题之一。伴随着高速发展的社会主义市场经济,社区的管理也受到了越来越多市民的重点关注。党的第十八届五中全会提出,要建设一个社会主义的文化强国,增加国家的公共服务供给政策,提高公共社区服务共同建设能力。习近平总书记还指出:“中华民族既然创造出了伟大渊源的中华大地文明,便也一定可以创造出中华文化领域新的辉煌,要加大力度构建起公共社区文化方面的服务体系,完备功能方面设施的配齐,繁荣起地方文化,不断加强竞争领域的实力,通过文化来进行惠民相关活动,真正提高居民的幸福感。社区方面的文化建设是一个重大的工程项目,开展这方面的建设必须要遵循它的的原则,采取相关的方法,才可以成功。关于那些不利于社区文化健康持续发展的方面,我们要严厉打击。从多种方面来看,社区文化建设是一项长久的,刻苦的工程,只有脚踏实地,一步一个脚印才能到达理想的彼岸”。完善社区的公共文化服务体系,既可以提高社区公共文化方面的的现状,提升政府的管理效率和能力,又可以有利于完成公共文化服务体系整体建设的目标。本文重点进行实证分析和理论分析:通过问卷调查,统计分析等方法,分析了唐山市公共文化服务的现状及面临的问题:一是社区管理的意义和特点是唐山进行了专题介绍和分析,针对城市里社区管理目前所存在的问题,提出相关问题,并写出相关对策,然后给出如何构建新型的和谐的社会社区相关意见。结合国外的成功经验,提出了改善社区公共文化设施的建议和策略。关键词:社区管理,社区服务,社区公共文化。AbstractAs we all know, the community, as the foundation of the resident of the contemporary country, is one of the most important and indispensable subjects in the construction of the public cultural service system in China.It is one of the most direct and important topics in the construction of public cultural service system in China. With the rapid development of the socialist market economy, urban community management has also been closely watched by many citizens. The eighteenth plenary sessionofthepartysFifthPlenarySessionproposedtobuildasocialistculturalpower, increase the states policy on the supply of public services, and improve the common building capacity of public community services. General secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out: since the Chinese nation has created a great source of Chinese civilization,itwillalsocreateanewbrillianceinthefieldofChineseshouldstrengthen the construction of a service system for the cultural aspects of the public community, complete the complete functional aspects of the facilities, flourish the local culture, and continue to strengthen the culture. The strength of the competitive field, through cultural activities related to truly improve the well-being of residents. It is necessary to follow the principles and adopt the relevant methods to carry out this construction.We must crack down on those areas which are not conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of community culture. From a variety of aspects, the construction of community culture is a long, hard work, only on the ground, one step by step can reach the ideal shore. Improving the communitys public cultural service system can not only improve the current situation of community public culture, improve the efficiency and ability of government management, but also help to complete the goal of the overall construction of the public cultural service system.This article focuses on the empirical analysis and theoretical analysis: through the questionnaire survey, statistical analysis and other methods, this paper analyzes the status and problems of Tangshan City public cultural service. First, the significance and characteristics of community management is that Tangshan has carried out a special introduction and analysis . The countermeasures to solve the problems put forward constructive suggestionsforbuildingaharmonioussocialistsocietyandbuildinganewtypeofurban community. Combined with the successful experience abroad, suggestions and strategies for improving the public cultural facilities in the community are put forward. The first chapter is introduction, introduced the research background of Tangshan City public cultural community service, the research involved, the research trends at home and abroad, the research content and research methods; the second chapter introduced the related concepts,expoundedthenecessityandfeasibilityoftheTangshanCitypubliccultural community service, and the third chapter discussed the existing fourth chapters to analyze the Tang Dynasty. The fifth chapter puts forward different opinions and strategies for the current situation and existing problems of Tangshan Citys public cultural community. Suggestions on the service of Tangshan Citys public cultural service community are put forward, and suggestions for promoting the improvement of public cultural community services are put forward.Key words: Community Management Community Service Community Public Culture目 录目录摘 要 I目 录 IV第1章 绪 论 11.1 研究背景 11.2 研究意义 11.3 国内外相关研究动态 21.3.1 国内相关研究动态 21.3.2 国外相关研究动态 31.4 研究使用内容 31.5 研究使用方法 41.6 本章小结 4第2章 社区公共文化服务的理论概述 52.1 社区公共文化服务的概念 52.2 社区公共文化服务的基本特征 52.3 社区公共文化服务的理论基础 8相关公共产品需求理论 8新公共服务相关理论 9本章小结 10第3章 唐山市社区公共文化服务的现状 113.1 基层公共文化设施基本实现全覆盖 113.2 丰富社区公共文化相关活动 11社区文化建设作为社区建设的重要内容 11本章小结 12第4章 唐山市社区公共文化服务存在的问题及原因 134.1 唐山市社区公共文化服务存在的问题 13社区公共文化的提供主体单一 13社区组织相关力量薄弱 134.1.3 社区公共文化信息及后续建设 14未能充分发挥社区工作者的作用 14唐山市社区公共文化服务存在问题及原因 144.2.1 公共文化服务内容满足不了当前群众文化需求 144.2.2 网络建设不健全 15组织管理的不足 154.2.4 匮乏人才和管理滞后 154.3 本章小结 15第5章 关于唐山市社区公共文化服务的对策建议 165.1 建设主体多元化发展 165.2 整合社区文化资源从而实现网络共享 16加强社区品牌建设 16推动人才队伍建设 17本章小结 17结 论 18参考文献 20致 谢 21第1章 绪 论1.1
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