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2022年考博英语-四川大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题( ) the new fund-raising plan is approved,we will soon have more money to build the gymnasium.问题1选项A.WhileB.GivenC.UnlessD.Even if【答案】B【解析】句意: 新的融资计划被批准,我们很快就会有更多的钱建造体育馆。given鉴于,考虑到.符合句意。2. 单选题One of the good things for men in womens liberation is hat men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesiesIn an article on the new manners, Mrs Holmes says that a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model. For example, she doesnt need help getting in and out of cars. “Women get in and out of ears twenty times a day with babies and dogs. Surely the can get out by themselves at night just as easily.”She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk. Historically, the man walked on the inside so he caught the garbage thrown out of a window. Today a man is supposed to walk on the outside. A man should walk where he wants to. So should a woman. If, out of love and respect, he actually wants to take the blows, he should walk on the insidebecause thats where attackers are all hiding these days.As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of womens liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.It is usually easier to follow rules of social behavior than to depend on ones own taste. But rules may he safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. For example, when a man and a woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark. I have always done it the other way, according to my life.It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.“Well,” my wife said, when the hostess had gone, “you did it again.”“Did what?” I asked, utterly confused.“Took the chair.”Actually, since Id walked through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first, after all.Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car and then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some had fellow who might be hiding in the back seat.1.It can be concluded from the passage that_.2.Whats the authors attitude about the whole question of manners and womens liberation?3.Ms. Ann Clark would most probably agree that_.4.By saying you did it again(Para. 7), the authors wife means that_.5.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author gets into a car before a woman?问题1选项A.it can break rules of social behaviorsB.in womens liberation men are also liberatedC.women are becoming more competent than beforeD.men should walk on the outside of a pavement问题2选项A.SeriousB.CriticalC.JokingD.Satirical问题3选项A.Ms. Holmess opinions on the new manners are justifiedB.the author is a man with the gift of natural graceC.one should follow social custom instead of his own tasteD.men and women are equal in most of the social events问题4选项A.the author should have shown his politeness by pulling out the chair for herB.the author should not have sat down before she didC.the author should not have sat in the chair pulled out by the waitressD.the author should have walked behind her问题5选项A.He intends to be polite to the woman.B.He does that by force of habit.C.He wants to protect the woman from hidden danger.D.He thinks women nowadays are as capable as men.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的第一句“One of the good things for men in womens liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies”对男性来说, 妇女解放带来的一个好处就是男人不用遵守尊重妇女的旧式礼节了。由此可知, 在妇女解放过程中, 男性也得到了解放, 所以选项B符合原文。2.从作者的叙述方式看, 作者在讨论举止风度以及妇女解放问题时带有调侃语气。例如, 在第四段的第二句中, 作者说, 他拒绝用一些过时的礼节来麻烦女士(事实上对女性表示礼貌恭维谈不上是“麻烦”), 而且之所以这样, 是出于一种尊敬。又如, 在第五段第二句中, 作者将自己看作是那些具有“天然风度”(natural grace)的男士, 而所谓“天然”, 却是一切顺其自然, 不受社会礼仪规范所约束。由此可以确定选项C为正确答案。3.根据关键词“Ann Clark”定位到第五段的后半部分, Ann Clark认为当一名男性和一名女性被带到餐桌子前, 服务员拿出一把椅子, 坐在椅子上的应该是女性。说明Ann Clark比较赞同传统的社会行为规则, 而作者的做法恰好与其相反, 他喜欢顺着自己的意愿。所以选项C符合原文。4.根据原文内容可知, 作者坐在那把椅子上的原因是因为那个正是他想坐的椅子, 而且他是在妻子的前面到达的, 这是作者的一种习惯。所以作者的妻子认为作者不应该按照自己的习惯坐在那把椅子上, 所以选项C正确。5.根据原文最后一段内容可知, 作者比女性先上车的原因, 首先这是他的一个习惯, 其次是出于礼貌, 爱和尊重, 以及保护女性的安全避免受到潜在的袭击。只有选项D不正确。3. 单选题To a highly imaginative writer, ( ) is a pad of paper and a pen.
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