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02X届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册 Uit 单词拼写Thee ere so maykinds f carthai ws dficult fr e to make a _(选择)bout which u.Eiseidvoted himself t wor _(和平) nd pgress.3he young manpromised hisgrlfr h h could rng her_(幸福) i te futur.4.e wa _(授予)agld pin cknoledgmento his reatie acieents forthedevelopmnt ofthecompny.H had ra he epor himself andmade _(评论) on i.6.There re omebeatifl _(场景)in thfm I sa lastght.m _(决定) deoeysl to education cause8Heis no lone ild; is an_(成人)S play aiporat_(角色) i this pla.10. rly couldno marr hri would man te nd of hs _(事业).答案.完成句子(湖北专用)1eid the hgw _(通往那个城市)(lead)2At te sme tmhey are _(采取措施保护野生动物资源).(measre)3._(对我无所谓) whethryoug r sty.(make)4.Thoughliving toethe, _(我们没有共同之处)(ommo)5 s some diffclt _(适应这种新气候)(adt)Whn and her ld the srt met_(取决于天气).(depend)7.h ol tll us_(不管她知道什么消息)(hatever)8Han a cellphone mkes usfee saer,sc eca _(万一出现紧急情况寻找帮助).(cal)9.w he_(胆敢参加考试) ithou omig to las?(re)10.T stoy _(使我想起一位妇女曾对我说的话)(rin)答案.leadintthe city2takig masues to protct widife rsouces3.I doetmaeanydifferce t mew aving in cmn5.dapting tothenew cimte6.dependsn he wehe.hateereshe knew(go)call forhe in cae of an emgeny9.dare to tak te eminaion10.rmindsmeof what woman one said to单项填空1.He _ a iviation,bt hddnt _ i.A.eeve; accepted B. reeived; acce rceivd; accete . eceive; accpt2.When _, h museu ill be openothblinxt year completed . letngC. beigcomleted D. to be completd3.ne fh adanages f livngonthe topof high-ris ihat you c get ago _. sg . sceneC. view D. looishopng, ople smtes an hlp_ t buyin sething they dont reallyneedA.o psde B. prsuaiC. bing prsded D. be ersudd5It isnotare in_ tat peole i _ iftiesaegoin niverit ourther ductin.A. 9s; th B. t90; C.0s; their D.th9s; thei6He lefttheplace,_ never come back determne B to deterneC.bn etermid D. avn detrined7.Te ar tw uilngs, _stand narly undd fetig.A. the lrge B.te largef themC. the largr oe tat D. t larger of which8.ople yhavedifferent opnions aboutKa,but mi her. _,shs great mscianA. Afer al B. s a esultC. In her wos . Asuul9.he trin s _ asped of 70mils no hn i coses th desr. wit . iC. a D. or0.Ii said hat the pole veoffer alage_ forinrmti leing to the rbber aret.A. ar . izeC.reward . welfar1.Nany, f you dont _,e wont gethr unil mht.A. sped up ad pcome p D cher 12Te doctors dvie _ m nt to k or mkeanymore. made B. decdedC. deterined D attrcted3She wehe succss _ ood luck morethan _ abi.A. to;nd B ; toCto; o D. o; in4Th wasso erious matter hat had nochice bt _ th olie.A. caled B cling in. al n . call in15(22X江苏盐城测试)r ssanale eelopment, the goeet hs decide togive_ to te egyonervig ndevironment-frieny bessein manaspects.A pofi B. inteestC.prefnce D. datge答案1B。根据句意,本题时态应用一般过去时,且第二个分句为否定句,已有助动词dd,故后面应用动词原形。.A。还原省略部分为:Whe he ms is copleted,该句是被动语态,故应用过去分词。3。“从某一点看到的风景”用iew表示。.C。can help ding“禁不住干某事”,其被动形式为cant help beng on。句意:在购物时,人们有时禁不住地被说服买一些他们不是真正需要的东西。.D。在表示“(几十)年代”时,在年代后加或s,年代前需用定冠词the,如:in the196/196;表示“在某人几十岁”时,用“inones基数词的复数形式”。.A。determnd adj “有决心的,意志坚决的”,此处可用它作伴随状语。7D。本题考查定语从句。两者中较大的一座楼,用which指物,故用he lager f whic。.A。afer l“毕竟”;as a rsut“结果”;inote wors“换句话说”;asual“像往常一样”。分析句意,aftral符合上下文意思。9.C。根据题意“以每小时70英里的速度”,at sped o是固定搭配。10。reward“报酬,酬谢”,指对提供信息帮助抓捕盗贼的人应给予报酬、酬谢。welfare“福利”;award表示因成绩优异而“获奖”;pze表示在比赛中因获胜而“得奖”。由此可知,最佳答案为。句意:据说警察已为逮捕该盗贼而提供的信息提供重谢。11A。seedu“加速”。12.C。动词辨析用法。句意:医生的建议使我决心不再喝酒、吸烟。eermne“使某人下决心做某事”。1。本题意中owe的含义是“归功于”的意思,应与介词to连用。句中re than的意思是“而不是”,用作连词连接两个介词短语,句意:她的成功是由于幸运,而不是由于有才干。14D。句意:那件事太严重,我别无选择,只好把警察叫来。“hav o choe t不定式
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