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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?课型:写作课 主备人:彭娜 二备人:谭爱武 审核人: 谢景华第六课时 Section B 3a-4Teachers words: Keep on going, never give up! 勇往直前,永不放弃!【学习目标】1. 能听说读写下列词汇:duck, dislike.2. 能使用本单元所学句型简单的写一篇度假或旅游日记。.【情境导入】谈论P7的三幅图片,Where is it? Whats the weather like there? .【自学探究,合作交流】一、写一篇关于度假的日记,回答书上3b问题后再写作 (先把问题的答案写下来),写作时请包括问题包含的要点。二、 限时写作(10分钟左右),写完后互相批改,纠正错误。然后展示几篇范文在黑板上请同学们一起修改。写作指导:本日记是以度假活动为话题,学习一般过去时介绍自己假日里做过的事情,这也是中考常考的话题之一。我们在写作的时候要注意规则动词和不规则动词的过去式,最后别忘了写感受。【写作在线】 Beijing是中国的首都(capital),它有许多名胜古迹(interesting places),如长城,故宫,天安门广场等。假如你是Kate,你到北京旅游,度过了一个愉快的暑假。请给你同学Mike写一封70字左右的信介绍一下北京之旅。思路点拨:体裁:日记,记叙文 人称:第一人称 时态:一般过去时与一般现在时佳作欣赏:Dear Mike,How are you? How was your summer vacation? I spent my vacation in Beijing, China, with my parents. It was great. Beijing is the capital of China. It has lots of interesting places. The weather was sunny. I went to the Great Wall and I think it was great and exciting. Then I went to the Palace Museum. It was cool. Next I visited Tiananmen Square. It was beautiful. And I had some Beijing duck near the square. It was delicious. Beijing is a beautiful city. I love Beijing and I hope to visit it again. Please write back soon and tell me about your summer vacation. Yours, Kate【练习反馈】体验中考一、单项选择。( ) 1. -Where would you like to go on vacation? -Its hot here. Id like to go_.(2012. 凉山中考)A. anywhere cool B. cool anywhere C. somewhere cool( ) 2. There is_ in todays homework. (2012.西宁中考) A. difficult nothing B. anything difficult C. nothing difficult( ) 3. I guess Peter and Sally enjoyed_ at the dancing party.(孝感中考) A. herself B. himself C. themselves( ) 4. Your sweater look smart. Where _ you _ it? (河北中考) A. do, get B. did, get C. will, get D. have, get( ) 5. Goldilocks decided _ for a walk in the forest. (南宁中考) A. go B. to go C. going D. goes二、本单元词语串记: Last week, I went to my uncles farm on vacation. It was 1._(精彩的).I went there with my parents. I saw many 2. (母鸡) and 3. (猪). There was a 4. (小山) near the farm. We 5. (试着) paragliding. I 6. _ 7._(感受到) I was a bird. 8._(每个人) had a good time there. In the afternoon, It started raining. I 9._(不喜欢) the rain. I didnt take an 10._(雨伞) so I got 11._(湿的). I 11._(等待) until it stopped raining. I felt 13._(饿的) and my uncle made some delicious 14._(鸭) for us. All in all, I enjoyed 15._(我自己) very much.【课后反思】
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