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考卷中热点词汇清理及书面表达复习学案班级姓名I.热点词汇清理:写出下列词汇的汉语A组:l.desperate a2.schedule n3.valid a4.flexible a5. ide ntity n6.productive a7.sustai nable a8.complex a9.deliberately adv10.p un ctual all.opti onal a12.i ni tially adv13.criterio n n14.compromise v15.accomplish v16.c onfirm v17.critical a18.promoti on n19.guilty a20.admissi on n21.permissi on n22.commitme nt n23.i nnocent a24.previous a25.c on flict n26.c on tradict v27.c on crete a28.ridiculous a29.c onven tio nal a30convey vB组:31.guara ntee v32.c on servative a33.exaggerate v34.tra nspare nt a35.ample a36.respect n37.tricky a38.marvelous a39.capacity n40.subtle a41.dilemma n42.routi ne n43.substitute v44.esse ntially adv45.adequate46.superior a47.prefere nee n48.exhaust v49.briefly a5O.unique51.regular a52.skeptical a53.decli ne v54.i nspirati on n55.illustrate v56.reliable a57.artificial a58.disti net a59.d yn amic a6O.fragile aII.错题再现:( )1.Despite the fact that many tough measures have been taken,the present economic situation remains .(三月调考)A. fragile B. complicated C. arbitrary D. Dynamic( )2.With the market cha nging so fast, we must make an adjustme nt to our products to meet the dema nds of the con sumers 一 月调考)A. briefly B. firmly C. deliberately D. Constantly()3.Mail order is a for buyers who are too busy to shop.武汉五月训练1)A. considerationB. curiosity C. convenience D. capacity()4.When you decide to start a family, you make a(n) to them.Youshould nt turn your back on the people who love you.联考卷六)A. contribution B. commitment C. devotion D. effort()5. But while many America ns see their cars as an of their in dividualfreedom, to some of us owning a car is a burde n, and in a city a double burde n 武汉 五月训练2)A. existenee B. extension C. explanation D. expectationIII.书面表达训练:任务一:审题1. Main idea:2. Examples:3. Words and phrases you will use in your composition:4. Beautiful sentences:任务二:写作训练
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