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江苏省盐城经济开发区中学度九年级英语下学期调研考试(答题时间:90分钟 卷面满分10分) 第I卷 (选择题, 共60分)一、单选(共1小题,每题1分,计1分)从A、B、C、四个选项中选出一种可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1.Hve yu ever ea o T Youyou? Of course. heis _ams Chins sientit .Sewon the ol Pri last ar. . B. anCth ./2. Whoheps you wityourhoeor,yur faher yor mothr? _ . They reto bus with hir ork, I do itall by mysefA.Non B. Either . Bh D. eit3. Moreand more pople comet isit acheg to enjo th beauful vew. Theenirometas becoethe_ Yanchg andt is t pce topen your ind.A. prie B.ffor C.praiseD courage4. Tefir lastnight dtroyed manybuldin _, noon as iled. A ucily imeditly C. siy D.sadly5 T s i in.h,n! Is fl. Im afrid wcnt_.A. e on . gt p C. get o D.get off6. ok. Hclen the indow is! It _ us now. A. ws ceaed isclaned Ca been ceaned D. ill e cleaned7 youlike Hollan Flwer Sea(荷兰花海)i Yanchen? fcrse owhere n be _,IhikA.auiful Bmuchbeautifl .obeautf D most beutiul. May I_youbl phone, please? Ileftmin a hme.A. touc ring C.rrow D.b. Iwan kno _ well have aday off for th coming Tomb-swepngay.Of couse A tha B.hw C if . what1. MaDayis coing up. Havyou deced _? Im plnning to g ona tp to America.A. we yore goit pen it .owofen reyou gig to sped itC.whee yre goin to send it D. how re ouong to pnd i11.u oto medicalscho andbeaoct lie ou , Da?N, ou_, son.Youre feetomake yro ecsion.A at B mustnt houldnt D.nent2. rth i becoing moe and mre olte _, peole wl move to Mars od. I order to . So t C. s resut D. Becaus of13. Te sudens wer appy tthey ouhave _winter holdy. . thee-weks B.e wee C three-week . threeweeks14. Excse e. d yopleaetell me _ my c?Sure. Park itight h. Ill help youA. how to sto B. whereo sop . where to par D. hen t par15.课外读物新理念英语第四册(Chpter :Dog hppple)ogsae us to_A. helppple with sght roblms to mov aroud sfelyB. hpmaeta hospital ore enjoybl for opeC. ar forlea ibilyD.Alof abov.二、完形填空(共5小题,每题分,计15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一种最佳答案。Mrhen isa fame wo 16 n weern na withhiswife ad two sons. One er ago, he dsovered hathehad ncer. e octor todhm the neeed 7 atonce An h adhe opertionwuld 8 thousnds of yuan. I wat uch onefor Mr enand h wi. They hd n jbad 19 ereat school The situationsem 20 Tw wees later, hwver,r Chegot sme 21 new.Heastold aout a hth aeproect wichprovids edial reatmet for oor patent in 22 China. They 23 o ay only hlfthe cos reen less Thanks the roe an t kindns 24 familyadnegbours, hews abeto receive an peation just 2 revent thillness rometing wor 26 h has returne t his aily.Te 7 ofhi hath care prjectisto mprve theuationf oorppl in esen China. So a, hepojet hashlpemre tan 5,00 people 8 medical ai. hehiese veen is 29 wrking gether th other cunries nd nternatioal organzatios o dothis. Tey ho to deelopa e helcare moel 30 hn.As our cr eveops, we s remembe te resposiilii(责任) oarng fo theaestmmbers.1. A. liv B.lv .ar living live17. .a ratmen B a res C.a oeration Dtraining1. A. ay B. send C ct . have1A all esos B. bothh daughersC. th thir sos D. all hedaugters2. A. hoeful B. hopees C. harmful Dharmes21. a B. trribl D.goo2 A. eastern B.uther C western D northen2 A.nt Bnd C. prfe D ik4. hi B you C. my D hr25 A i me B. n time C at th same timeD. ra lon tieA. Already BJs C Ever D.Now2. A. chn B advice C. examle D. gl28. . recee Beceivig
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