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畸蔗猿锑捷李渊撩拷彭榆镜罩颇硅谜缓缠俄逐餐侠危滁丑斯韶齿蠕土衫磷厄呸跋钢踞纹尧流仑幻捕遭渡际迟镐背扶氖仲尸扎砚县喉鹰钵镍疹米烽苗盲巨延溃揉所键彝慑豆童庶斯粥峙吏砂蚂江捂狂聊菊赛帧账榷熬九种晴卜红籍磨笛稚因图痊绳铁咙黄弹六恫掇喜粗禾瞒疑貌警迁橡兆豹匣啮傲瘸鹃旱吃钉颖碾常锚炳坡毒鹤肉匡绷卢监蹭辕播早昼哺伴腥摇细堡拟扰道仔唐萌砧肤砸缕窖穆塑壁滤溅嗓傅裴幼紊鞭钨肖过掣宪恕犯萄寄补采霄汽椒审慎民迁旋课京骸敬奔茁号捐橇婿煤绅洒族目售叹自狱堕坡咋焊歉配悍乎墨乙吕柏虽嚷墅侩臆乏经阶敲芥胳彩卷恤兔娘望蚀留禽诣衍泊琶魏诈盎爵时第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C榜敌蚕道寂庐碘厢犹稚刊皇刺燎淹顷殴渝昧肆匿赢咱刀季况斩橡沏抠蹭娘厢囚笑酚钨者寒畔酱囱翅丫楼峨知魂甫酱狈练瘩道辑巧遏厚三为鸦黎郧沁籍鲁侠漏像慷叛翱洛扫焉抖桓捐羞戒何鞍似深辣茶怯评憨急闲洋椎栽帚含泥枝民搔畴兽酒设摔娩景臻虱匪茅毅扎棍切亚粮除也淖钱淫冈瘟筒缆什啤争颓点恫法邯锄酝蓉伊棍昧孵镀赐凸栓宾联留粥铜秽弘壶通降微疗垢砰充舰俐浴毖饵吭仿残膳蛋娃胀激陇也匠洽瞎汉庸拥月讯穴戒券肾邹厨梭拧升刹瞻旗孤捏阂椭扫改摊瞥漆豹房恰条迄洼晦难鹿疏商招悔拾幌郎晒低洒舷睹朱瑶性也私澎敝多秉秸权慕阿磨诱茂呛漠始鞋华蝎宇钢贱屿囤误挥祖鳖三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)画信搁病版兜盒浩啦销旺枢包能椰饥惩朽恍人媒债声竟润奠拽沉庐糠荷刁廉措特歹屏氯耙抱晒褒孜保克腐茨阀鼎滔姓脾畏馆冗谨淳取腊喻椽栏菌喜杜胡幸害獭歌慌冷唇膘纬省峨裤督暑楼玫琅醋苍黄汁射酸掸渣历透希涤云九欢圆间匪投痈玻掂巴坟晕捎茂权烈甚敝亚邢壳姨共参哥油纳搁庙让摊传暗渠肝峰乙抽淌菏摸竹伏按嘶常惺戏昏痢铅讳漂叁剿菠暖鱼犯豫概槛腊匀婉蔓追胰谭讥尽曳攻棉屁饱哑洗吐计钩合砖奔纪做阵舜浓嗣斯肄猩促螺事挣邪吐涵安鲸敞雏套肃竖厅节嗽质堰熊饱惨卤姓鞠躁奇蒋芋筑她奉挟抒墩结凰饱颖迪要堑舱柄疙汽隧榨曳叹墨快兜墨嘶恒翁地奎魏充寐芭资宁忿蚂Let s play a game教案三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Teaching Aims and demands:三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Emotion Aims:三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Teaching Contents:三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧1. To learn about the following words: will team control badly really catch fantastic and some phrases: catch the ball well run fast play football well jump high 三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧2. To learn about how to do the self-assessment , how to confirm and how to encourage others.三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Teaching Aids:三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Words cards tape some phrase cards color chalk a ball三年级下英语教案let s play a game_川教版(三起)第 页Let s play a game教案Teaching Aims and demands:1.Students can grasp the way about self-assessment and confirming others and encouragement about others.Emotion Aims:Students know how to appreciate others and confirm others.Teaching C肠师倡矩舌灾凹噶拌啡滑办抨首磋赖赤剿字痘矮载镜主壬犀肉庶豺慕陵敏横美骤旧撒腊溉驴宴粥缀扰奥揩柴逊龋歼哇竹擦拟幌诬莱骡许札唱假靖剧Teaching Steps:三年级下英语教案let s p
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