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高考英语长难句分析探究纵观历年高考英语试题,可以发现阅读文章中出现了许多结构复杂的句子。不难理解,命题者在句子难度上大做文章,无非是想通过增加句子长度和使用复杂结构来打断和干扰考生正常的阅读习惯和思维方式,从而达到考查考生综合阅读能力的目的。下面我们来了解长难句最常见的形式。一、 复合从句这些句子往往较长,一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,使得考生搞不清楚整个句子结构。其实,不管句子有多长有多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。主干是整个句子的骨架,主要指主谓宾结构(如: I want a ticket.)或主系表结构(如:The man is a teacher.)。而修饰成分在句中只起修饰或补充主干的作用,它既可以是单词,也可以是短语,更常见的则是从句,尤其是定语从句和状语从句。这些从句都很常见,考生比较熟悉,但很多时候不少考生分不清单词、短语和从句之间的相互关系,这样会导致整个句子分析混乱。这时,考生应通过仔细分析,将每个修饰成分划出来,找出句子的主干,这样整个句子结构就清晰了。二、 分隔结构为了调整语气和增加补充信息,更主要的是为了平衡句子结构,避免头重脚轻,使语义严密,结构紧凑,可将语法关系密切的两个句子成分用其他语法成分分隔开来,这就是所谓的分隔结构。考试中出现较多的是插入语、用破折号插入的新话题或补充信息。此外,还有一些句子成分(一般是定语)过长而出现后置,也可以看作是插入现象,只不过它只是句子原有成分位置的调整,没有新增信息。三、 成分省略在英语句子中,节约用词是一条重要的修辞原则。省略主要是为了避免重复,突出关键词并使上下文紧密连接。成分省略一般和从句相结合,一正一反,使句子富于变化,增强表现力。例如在以than,as引导的比较状语从句中,一些成分往往被省略,会给理解带来一定的影响,而且这类句子出现频率较高,考生需要熟记。四、 改变语序改变语序主要指倒装句式。这种打破相对固定的常规语序的做法,或是为了强调句子的意义表达的重心,或是强调一种表达语气,如虚拟语气、否定语气等。这些句子往往和一些副词、连词相关,有明显的标志。当然,被动句、双重否定句等句式在阅读考试中也屡屡出现,限于篇幅本文未将其归入。希望考生能结合阅读实践来体会上述句法特征。突破策略(1) 结构分析法所谓结构分析法,就是通过语法分析,迅速弄清句子的结构,把握住句子的基本框架。基本步骤是:首先,判断该句是简单句、并列句还是复合句;然后,找出句子的核心成分,分清主语和谓语,再分清句子的附属成分。方法一:较复杂单句的处理方法找主谓语,即找主干成分较复杂单句在高考试卷中经常出现,所以应引起同学们的足够重视。 However, many scientists who specialize in ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years.此句的主语为many scientists,主语里面包含了一个由who引导的定语从句。主句有两个谓语,即are doubtful和say,say后面又包含了一个宾语从句。 Some companies have made the manufacturing of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.此句的主语为some companies,有两个谓语,即have made和emphasize。At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other floors chute(道) doors and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute.此句的主语为a microcomputer,也有两个谓语,即locks 和sets。方法二:并列复合句的处理方法找并列连词 The hot sun had caused the dough (面团) to double in size and fermenting yeast(酵母) made the surface shake and sigh as though it was breathing. Miss Germaines mother looked anxious through the wedding and Mr. Cordells parents are reported to be less than delighted.第一句话中第一个and和第2句中的and是连接两个并列成分的,两句话的and 都是连接两个并列单句。方法三:主从复合句的处理方法找从属连词 Whereas a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave afailing marriage,it wasnt unusual to hear a man say he didnt know his friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.whereas引导了一个从句,即 a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave afailing marriage, 而it wasnt unusual to hear a man say he didnt know his friends marriagewas in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.为主句,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。方法四:并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法先读懂并列复合句,再看主从复合句If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson”, and “Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak EnglishWilliam, the Conqueror.首先弄清并列复合句,即but连接的两个句子,再看but前有一个条件状语从句,but后为一个单句,单句里又有一个who引导的定语从句。(2)意群阅读法意群阅读法即把意义和语法结构上有关联的几个词连接成较完整的信息。此方法不仅有利于提高阅读速度,而且有利于对句子的整体理解。例如:When two cars travelling at 30 mh hit each other, an unbelted driver would meet the windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters.分析:是状语从句,是主句,是with引导的介词短语作状语,修饰谓语。这样,把整个句子划为4个意群,可以大大提高阅读速度。典型例题例1 What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honor his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation(移植).解析: 此句的主语为What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life整个从句,其中主语里面又包含了一个由who引导的定语从句;主语的谓语为is,后面的that引导两个并列的表语从句。点评: 分析长难句时找出主句的谓语是至关重要的一步。例2 Pasteur discovered that heating the wine gently for a few minutes after it had fermented would kill off the yeast that was left in the wine, with the result that the wine would remain fresh for much longer.解析:此句的主语为Pasteur,谓语即discovered,第一个that引导的是宾语从句。在宾语从句中after引导状语从句,第二个that引导定语从句。第三个that引导同位语从句。点评: that在长难句里面用得非常多,所以正确理解that在不同从句中的用法非常重要。跳出陷阱1. This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for a historical treasurea 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Deborah Logan“a woman who knew everybody of her day,” James Green, the librarian told the magazine “American Libraries”.分析: 第一句的主语为James Green, the librarian,谓语为told,第一个宾语为the magazine “American Libraries”,第二个宾语为宾语从句,此宾语从句的主语为This chance discovery,谓语即ended,后面宾语的中心词为a 12-day search。2. The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious(怀疑) of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Years Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face .分析: The alarm had been raised为主句,because 引导一个原因状语从句,原因状语从句里又包含了一个由who引导的定语从句。3. At t
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