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HW6: System IntegrationName:Userid #: Date:1. Please attached three screen shorts to show the results for the finished goods (FG-0020- xx), the semi-finished good (SF-0030-xx), and the raw material (RM-0011-xx) after running SNP heuristic 一 location at your plant (see Please explain the three planning results.2. Please solve the following LP problem.Objective: Min Z = 10,000 X】+ 15,000 X2S.J. toX】+2X2 = 4X |+ X2 = 2.51) Draw a graph2) Plot the constraint function3) Outline the feasible solution4) Circle the optimal solution point.3. The Green Up Fertilizer Company ships fertilizer from three manufacturing plants to four distribution centers (DC). The shipping cost per truckload of fertilizer from each plant to each DC is:PlantDistribution Center (DC)ABCD1$464$513$654$8672$352$416$690$7913$995$682$388$685Plant 1 has a monthly capacity of 75 truckload, Plant 2 has a monthly capacity of 125 truckload, and the Plant 3 has a monthly capacity of 100 truckload. The monthly DC demand is A = 80 truckload, B = 65 truckload, C = 70 truckload, and D = 85 truckload. Please formulate an LP problem to determine how much truckload of fertilizer should be shipped from each plant to each DC per month to minimize monthly shipping cost.1) Define the objective.2) Define the decision variables.3) Write the mathematical function for the objective.4) Write the constraints.5) Solve the LP problem (for extra credit).
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