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非诉法律服务合同篇一:非诉法律服务合同(中英文版 )法律顾问合同书(范本)(2012 )顾问 字 第号聘请方(甲方):受聘方(乙方):为了适应工作的需要,甲方聘请乙方律师担任常年法律顾问。根据中华人民共和国律师法 的有关规定,经双方协商订立如下合同:一、乙方指派律师为甲方的常年法律顾问,乙方律师以法律顾问的身份在本合同规定的工作范围内提供法律服务。二、乙方及其指派律师受甲方委托办理下列法律事务:1、 就甲方在经营、管理方面的重大决策提出法律意见,从法律上进行论证,提供法律依据;2、 草拟、修改、审查甲方在生产、经营、管理及对外联系活动中的合同、协议,以及其他有关法律事务文书和规章制度;3、 办理一般非诉讼法律事务;4、 参与重大经济项目谈判,审查或准备谈判所需的各类法律文书;5、 提供与甲方活动有关的法律信息;6、 就甲方提高经济效益,加强生产、经营、管理和对外联系活动中的有关问题,提出法律意见;7、协助甲方对职员进行法制教育和法律培训:如劳动法、公司法、合同法;8、对甲方内部的行政管理工作提供法律意见;9、其他法律事务。三、乙方及其指派律师应享的权利:1、查阅与承办法律事务的有关的甲方内部文件和资料;2、了解甲方在生产、 经营、管理和对外联系活动中的有关情况;3、列席甲方领导人召集的生产、经营、管理和对外活动中的有关会议;4、获得履行法律顾问职责所必须的办公、交通及其他工作条件和便利:按不低于甲方部门经理之标准办理。四、乙方及其指派律师应尽的责任:1、应当及时承办委托办理的有关法律事务,认真履行职责;2、应当坚持以事实为依据,以法律为准绳的原则,依法顾问;3、应根据本合同规定和甲方委托授权的范围进行工作,不得超越委托代理权限;4、不得从事有损于甲方合法权益的活动,不得在民事、经济、行政诉讼或仲裁活动中担任对立一方当事人的代理人;5、在其受聘的两个(或两个以上)单位之间发生争议时,应当进行调解但不得代理任何一方参加诉讼或仲裁;6、对在工作中接触、了解到的有关甲方生产、经营、管理和对外联系活动中的业务秘密,负有保守秘密的责任。五、甲方遇有紧急法律事务,可随时与法律顾问联系,并有责任向法律顾问详细真实地介绍有关情况。乙方应及时处理和妥善解决。六、按照律师业务收费管理办法和律师业务收费标准经双方协商,由甲方每年向乙方支付法律顾问费人民币元整。甲方于本合同生效之日起5 日内一次性向乙方支付法律顾问费。七、甲方与其他单位或公民发生纠纷诉讼时,或出现清算破产、兼并重组等重大的法律事务,委托法律顾问参与的,应另行办理委托手续。对标的额 100 万元以下的,按照收费标准 80%收费;对标的额 100 万元以上的,按照收费标准 70%收费。八、乙方办理甲方委托事务所支付的实际开支,包括但不限于差旅费、查询费等,由甲方实报实销。九、本合同有效期为年,从年月日起,至年月日止。十、本合同自甲乙双方签章之日起生效。十一、本合同一式 两 份,甲、乙双方各持 壹 份,具有同等法律效力。甲方:乙方:法定代表人:承办律师:年月日LEGAL COUNSEL CONTRACTThis contract dated , whoseaddress is at (“ the Client” hereinafter), AND(“ the Firm”hewhose address at Rm.305, Wanxin Building, No.94, Dong SiShi Tiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007, China.In accordance with the Law of Lawyers of the People China, and after s Republic ofriendly negotiation, two parties hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the followingterms and conditions:?. For the services to be rendered hereunder, , an attorney at , is hereby appointed as Legal Counsel who will be a contact person andthe major undertakerin charge thereof. . Services rendered by the firm and its appointed attorneya) Rendering formal or informal legal opinions in respect of day-to-day operationsand managements of the Client, supporting Client s work with lawsandgovernmental regulations, and protecting Client legitimates rights and interests.b) Formulating, reviewing and/or examining contracts and agreements which arisefrom Client manufacturing,s operations, managements and other businessactivities. Formulating, reviewing and/or examining Clientregulationsand other legal documents. s inc) Providing Non-litigation legal services.d) Participating in major business negotiation or other significant legal activities,and preparing the relevant legal documents.e) Providing legal information pertained to the Client business activities.f) Rendering legal opinion in respect of increasing the economic benefits, andstrengthening managements on the production, operations and other businessactivities of Client.g) Assisting the Client in staff training in the knowledge of laws in respect ofemployment law, contract law and company law etc.h) Providing legal opinion concerning the Client internalsadministrationmanagement.i) Others . Rights the Firm and its appointed attorney enjoya)Look up the internal files and documents of Client business activities when indealing with the legal affairs Client submits to.b)Right to know the truth of the Client including information of production, operation,management and relevant business activities.c)Attend in the Clients internal meetings pertained to manufacture,operation,management and other business activities that are held by Client management.d)The Client shall give convenience to the work of the Legal Counsel appointed bythe Firm, including office facilities, transportation and other necessary facilities. The standard shall not less than that of a section head of the Client.?V. Obligations and liabilities that the Firm and its appointed legal counsel shall takea)Shall handle the legal fairs submitted by the Client timely, meticulously anddutifully, especially shall provide his legal service in accordance with laws and pursuant tothe terms and conditions of the contract hereto.b)Shall base himself on facts and take law as the criterion, insist on fulfilling his duty accordin
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