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最新版英语学习资料www.ks5u.comModule 5 Cloning 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. I had meant to stay away from the shop window, but I couldnt r the temptation. 2. Some films are full of v . Too much fighting is not good for young children. 3. No one knows who killed her, but the police s her husband. 4. We should a the situation very closely before we make any decision. 5. People should drive out of town to b fresh air and relax at weekends. 6. The only effective way to c a backache is to rest. 7. As we all know, plants a minerals and other nutrients from the soil. 8. Ive got two tickets for tonights concert given by the Russian artists. Would you like to a me to go and enjoy it, Amy? 9. I think camping and climbing is b to our health.10. A travel plan should be f in order to cope with changeable weather and unexpected emergencies.二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)11. The police tried to get some clues from the (嫌疑犯), but he remained silent.12. People throughout the world have a dream of living in a place peacefully, without any war or (暴力).13. The current health care reform is (有益的) to peasants.14. He said he was going to (陪伴) her home.15. Having (分析) the results, Dr. Snow drew a conclusion that water had caused the disease.16. He is in good health; he is able to (抵抗) diseases.17. People who (吸收) the dirty air are more likely to get diseases related to lung.18. She was punished for driving above the (规定) speed.19. We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly (灵活多变的).20. Certain courses are compulsory, but others are (可选择的).21. I want to get a new passport but I dont know the (程序).22. A solution has not yet been found to the (基本的) problems of industrial relations.23. To our surprise, the old doctor (治愈) my cousin of her cancer.24. The room was filled with smoke, and it was becoming difficult for us to (呼吸).25. She told us an (难以置信的) story about her grandmother catching a thief.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)26. 据我所知,他将离开两个月的时间。(词数不限) , hell be away for two months.27. If you continue working like that, your body will (垮下来)。28. 如果他少点吸烟, 他的身体很快就会好了。可是他就是不听。 , he might be well soon However,he wouldnt listen.29. 他希望他没讲那样的话。(say) (词数不限)He wished he that.30. 如果他来,我会把真相告诉他。(词数不限)If he , I would tell him the truth.31. 很奇怪他竟然对待他的父母像陌生人一样。It is strange that he as strangers. (treat)32. It is said that (这药能治好你的咳嗽). (cure)33. Her songs (重现了历史).34. 我们必须依靠我们自己的努力来摆脱困境。(词数不限)We must to get out of the trouble.35. 通货膨胀已失去控制。Inflation has .四、单项选择36.No further financial problem , but we once couldnt make both ends meet.A. roseB. aroseC. arousedD. raised37.If I ten years younger, I very happy.A. were; would beB. am; shall beC. were; shall beD. am; would be38.The driver looked over the engine carefully to make sure that it wouldnt on the way.A. break intoB. break downC. break upD. break out39.- Why did the policeman question Bob yesterday?- He was of taking part in the car bombing.A. doubtedB. consideredC. remindedD. suspected40.Why are you doing that? If I you, Id stop.A. had beenB. hadnt beenC. wereD. were not41.She is overweight, but she cant the temptation to eat more delicious food.A. forbidB. attachC. allowD. resist42.If it tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.A. rainB. rainsC. should rainD. will rain43.- You can ask your brother for help.- He is not at home. If he , I .A. is; wouldB. were; wouldC. is; willD. were; will44.She was so in the job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A. attractedB. absorbedC. drawnD. concentrated45.If you early tomorrow morning, you would be there by noon.A. have startedB. startC. had startedD. were to start46.You may certainly his words, for he always speaks the truth.A. pay attention toB. ask forC. suffer fromD. rely on47.- Im sorry. I shouldnt have shouted at you the other day. - Forget it. I was a bit myself.A. ou
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