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三年级英语期中复习一、字母复习小测试:1. 看大写,写出小写形式。 J K N M S B P Y R 2. 看小写,写出大写形式。 d i x s e g d q p 二 句子书写(1)大写字母都应一样高,占上面两格,最好不顶第一线。(2)小写字母a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z写在中间的一格里,上下抵线,但都不出格。写一写:(3)小写字母b,d,h,k,l的上端顶第一线,占上面两格。写一写:(4)小写字母i和j的点、f和t的上端都在第一格中间,f和t的第二笔紧贴在第二线下。写一写:(5)小写字母f g j p q y的下端抵第四线。写一写:(6)书写单词时,字母与字母之间的间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离得太远。(7)书写句子时,单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般以空出一个小写字母a的宽度为宜。(8)标点符号要写在一定的位置上。小练习:抄写句子。1.Can you run fast?2.We use chopsticks in China.3. Please come and eat the cake now!三 单元重点句型Module11. Do you use chopsticks in the UK? No, we dont. We use a knife and fork.在英国你们使用筷子吗?不,我们不用。我们用刀叉。2. What are you eating? Im eating hamburgers and chips.你在吃什么? 我在吃汉堡和薯条。练习:根据句子大意填单词。1. are Chinese fast food.2. A: Do you use in China? B: No, we dont.3. We use chopsticks in .Module21. What are you doing? Were making a cake. Please be quiet! Im working.你们在做什么?我们在做蛋糕。请保持安静!我正在工作。2. What are you doing, Dad? Im watering the flowers. Please come and eat the cake now!爸爸,你在做什么?我在浇花。请马上过来吃蛋糕!练习一:选词填空1. Were a cake. (make/making)2. Were a plane. (make/making)3. Im noodles. (eat/eating)4. Shes a kite.(fly/flying)5. He can a picture.(draw/drawing)练习二:写一写单词的ing形式dancingrunningeatingjumpingdrinkingusingfeedingclimbingcryingsing singing dance run eat jump drink use feed climb cry 人称代词Be动词我Iam你/你们youare他/她He/sheis我们weare他们theyare记一记:Module31. What are those? Theyre dragon boats.These ducks are very naughty.那些是什么?它们是龙舟。这些鸭子真淘气。2.These ducks are hiding under the tree. Those ducks are hiding under the flowers.这些鸭子正躲在树下。那些鸭子正藏在花下。记一记:单数(一个)复数(二个或以上)this这个these这些that那个those那些Module41.Can you run fast?Yes, I can .I cant jump far.你能跑得快吗?是的,我能。我不能跳很远。2. What can you see? I can see a koala. It can climb.你能看到什么?我能看到一只考拉。它能爬(树)。Module51.Mum, can I have a drink, please? Yes, here you are. Can I have an ice cream, please?No, you cant. But you can have a cake! 妈妈,请问我能喝一杯饮料吗?可以,给你。请问我能吃一个冰淇淋吗?不,你不能。但是你能吃一个蛋糕。 3. Can I come in? Yes, please. This is my small library. 我能进来吗? 是的,请进。这是我的小图书馆。
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