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学校 班别 姓名 考号_ 六年级英语期中测试卷听力部分一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子,把字母编号填在括号里。(1分) ( )1.A rie bkes B.le kites fly kies( )2 A. nishin. B. en siin. C. I wenthikin. ( ). A. Dd you dra pictures? B. Do yo dawicturs? C.Are ou pctue?( ).A he d boks.B.She cean oomsC.She wased clhes.( )5A. o,dt.B No, isn.C. , desn二、听问题,选择最合适的答句,把字母编号填在括号里。(1分)( ).A. lew esB.I go to he k.C.I ggo the z.( )2.A I exite. B.Hs fine. C. Shs any.( )3.A.es o hikig. No, went hiig.CYes,I went ikin ( ).A. Hs3 k. B.Shes 48k. . he 58k.( )5.A.Ys, you are lerthan e.No, ou aetalle than me. C0 aler thn yu.三、听录音,判断句子的对错,打“”或“ ”。(0分)( )、Am wt to see anmal ls weed.( )2、Amy likes aimals.( )3、ys momwent shopin.()4、Amys dad rsoe againes.( )5、Aysfamiyhad a good time at wee.笔试部分四、 阅读对话,根据上下文的内容,选择合适的句子,将其字母编号填在横线上。(句选5句,10分). Thyu ehapy to see you B. Howwas your weed? . Wha did you doon una? . a weally a bsy weekend. E. at dd yo do on Stur? F. Whatd youoSunds? . How a you?A: Hello, Tom _?:It wa bsy oneA: W? _?B:I cnedth roo,washd cothes and hen visdmygranants. Tey live in a villge. tver farfomhome. : _.: Tharigh.A:_? B:Iwentsoppin wth om adthen coed eal ormy fly.A. O, se. _.Yore helpfuB: hank yu. 五、阅读短文,对的打V,错的打X。(10分)Jac wa bsyaseekend. is arent we nt hoe.He waed to the pk in the mring ,he re Eglihbooksand sports thre.Te he took bus bc home He hd to clan te room an washed clotesbeore 12:. Aftr finishng thse hing,e had lncin the catehen hewnt toSrh home, ansude math with her. he played an mt gamestogete n th veng, Jac ent th spermke and ought many fod ack home.Whn e cam back, his paren wer hme, to. hey watched T Th Jack wentoee( )1. Jak wet toe park foo in the ring( )2. Jac didsporsi Saahs hom. ( )3ack cleanthe rom ndwshed coh inte trnoon( )4. Jac hddinerwthSarah.( )5 cent shoping and watcheTV in the enig六、根据上下文的意思,选词填空,每个词只用一次(2分)wi ,eat,unger, watched, hapy,ook, ws, goes, wahed, tird,had, helpedJim is astudent.He i _ tanhis classma. sually _ the k_ his frieds on the weken. But lat weeked, e_ h moher do housewok.Becase is ther _ sick. S _ a od.He_breaat, ten e _ te lthes In theevening, hewas very_, ut e was very _.七、请根据上下文的意思完毕对话(20分):1. im: _?Ben: I ae a hedach . 2. Am: _? Jenny: 10cm tall. I c tallr tan before.3.Tchr: _?Tom: No,didntra boos lst wkend4. Ji: _?Bill: I wnt fishingwh myfrinds on holday5. Marry: _?David: Mytache felsangry.八、看图写一段话。写写你上周末的一天活动状况,不少于五句话。(1分) 听力材料一听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子,把字母编号填在括号里。(1分)1. Zangeng went toa park. lekie 2 Lu Yun wen fshing with her fredslast wekend. .D yo r pictur? . A. he read book. 5Ds th g eatfish ? 二、听问题,选择最合适的答句,把字母编号填在括号里。1. What dd you do yeserda? 2. How oesMary eel? 3. i yougo hikig last eeken? 4. ow hay Tm ? 5 Ae youtller than me ?三、听录音,判断句子的对错,打“”或“ ”。(10分)HllIm Amy wnto he wit y frins las Sturay.saa anias there.I ethemvermuch.Mym di huseworat ome.My ddread ewaprs.e had a gd tme.参照答案一BAC二CCAB三vxxv四、B EA C (B E D)五、六、 oungr gwih hee wa had cooed wased tired happy七、1 Howaeyu, Ben? 2. Howtll e ou?3. Did o read boat ekend?4. Wat idyu d oorhdy? Hoes ou techr fe to?
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