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被动语态总复习之二教学设计 暨南大学附属中学 王平课题被动语态总复习之二(弱项突破)教材分析1. 被动语态是初中阶段一个很重要的语言知识,是每年中考的必考点。本课是被动语态的总复习的第二课时,在上节课结束给学生拟定了一张摸底卷,通过学生的答题情况了解到了他们的弱项环节,而制定本课时,进行弱项突破。2. 本节课内容以筹备毕业文艺汇演为话题设计开展活动,结合“通知”方面的写作,通过听、说、读、写综合训练的方式让学生复习并掌握被动语态的用法。教学对象分析1. 本班为平行班,学生层次不错,但也有一定的落后面。个别学生因基础问题导致学习兴趣不高,所以教学过程中需注重学生学习兴趣的培养。2. 根据摸底卷反馈情况,学生对被动语态的概念和结构较清楚,但是在运用过程中仍欠准确和熟练,问题和弱项集中在以下三个方面(be done中done的准确使用;感官动词和使役动词在被动语态的用法;含情态动词的被动语态的用法。)教学目标1. 知识目标:在进一步熟练被动语态用法的基础上,突破被动语态用法中这三个方面的薄弱知识点(be done中done的准确使用;感官动词和使役动词在被动语态的用法;含情态动词的被动语态的用法。)2. 能力目标:准确把握被动语态的结构和主要用法,熟练恰当地在“文艺汇演”的真实情境中运用语态,尤其是本节课要突破的被动语态知识点。3. 情感目标:在任务及活动的过程中,培养学生的观察、归纳能力和合作意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。教学重点1. 被动语态中done的正确使用;2. 熟练掌握含情态动词的被动语态的用法;3. 感官动词和使役动词的被动语态的用法。教学难点能在真实的情境中正确运用以上三个被动语态的薄弱点。教学策略任务型教学,运用技能培养,小组合作教学准备 PPT课件,听力材料,投影仪教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1. Greeting and leading in(listening).1. Greet the students and announce that the teacher has got a piece of good news for them. Say, “I have got a piece of ” to draw their attention. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the news and fill in a table about the news. Then bring out the grammar of today: “Passive voice”. (Boys and girls,Attention please. A graduation party will be held in our university hall at half past two pm. on July 15. All the Ss and teachers are asked to attend it. Well leave at our school gate at 2:00pm.Dont be late. All the students should wear school uniforms. No food or drinks can be taken into the hall. Also we are not allowed to go outside during the party. Hope youll have a good time.Thanks for your listening.)1. Greet the teachers. 2. Listen and fill in a table. (in students sheet )1. 用一则好消息吸引学生的注意力。2.通过听力的形式导入话题,让学生在情境中回忆被动语态,为接下来的语法重点作铺垫。(此听力材料的被动语态的训练以一般将来和一般现在时为主。)2. Presentation1. Check the answers to the questions and guide the Ss to make a conclusion of the right forms of “be done” in different tenses. 2. Present some pictures to help Ss recall the party of New Years Day and guide them to talk, using sentences with passive voice, and then ask them to complete my diary in the right forms. (the blanks focus on students weak points )3. Check the answers. Lead Ss to pay attention to the difficult points of passive voice and overcome their weakness. (感官动词和使役动词在被动语态的用法;含情态动词的被动语态的用法。)1. Observe the answers and generalize the right forms of “be done” in different tenses. 2. Recall the party of New Years Day and make some sentences using passive voice.Then correct a students diary.3. Review the difficult points of passive voice1. 通过学生的答案引导学生总结出被动语态中be done结构在不同时态中的正确形式。2. 用学生表演的图片引发学生对去年元旦文艺汇演的回忆,调动学生的积极性,引导他们用含有被动语态的句子进行讨论。然后以对一个学生的汇演日记进行改错的形式让学生暴露薄弱环节。3. 引导学生关注,并强化克服以上弱点。此部分的被动语态的训练以一般过去时为主。3. Practice Oral PracticeAsk Ss to plan the graduation party by themselves. Then have them work in groups to have a presentation. (The Ss are required to use the difficult points of passive voice just learned in the discussion. (感官动词和使役动词在被动语态的用法;含情态动词的被动语态的用法。)Plan the party orally with group members. Try to apply the difficult points of passive voice in their talking. Then have a presentation.以小组合作的形式自己设计Graduation party。让学生体验语法规则,并在相关语境中运用, 进行适当操练。(在讨论过程中要求必须使用学生的薄弱语法点)Written Practice1. Show Ss the listening material and guide them to write a notice 2. Show Ss some typical sentences which can be used in the notice.3. Ask Ss to organize the oral discussion into a notice.1. Think about how to write a notice.2. Learn some typical sentences used in the notice.3. Write a notice basing on the oral discussion.1重温听力材料,归纳通知的写法。2. 熟悉通知所常用的句型。3. 在口头表达的基础上进行书面训练,把刚才口头讨论的内容以“通知”的形式写出来,水到渠成。4. Conclusion and test time1. Have Ss make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson.2. Ask Ss to finish some exercises selected from High School Entrance Examinations.1. Make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson, highlight the difficult points.2. Finish some exercises.1. 总结、回顾今天所学。2. 中考链接。让学生做08-10年的有关被动语态的真题,检验所学的成果。5. Homework1. Finish the Evaluation Paper.2. Finish exercise in English Weekly. 1. Finish the homework.强化巩固课堂所学。
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