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Module 6 Unit 3 短语与句子Reading的短语1. at the end-of-term ceremony 在期末典礼上2. a live hen and rooster 一只活的母鸡和公鸡3. drive bad spirits away 把邪恶的鬼魂赶走, 辟邪4. ensure good luck for the marriage 确保给婚姻带来好运5. at wedding receptions 在婚礼招待会上6. sit in separate areas 坐在分开的地方7. serve food and soft drinks 提供食物和软饮料8. be altogether alike / prohibited 完全相同 / 被完全禁止9. play loud drums 敲得鼓声很响10. News spread throughout the country. 这消息传遍了全国. throughout the night 整个晚上11. point with the first finger 用食指指东西12. native English speakers 以英语为母语的人13. light large fires outside 在户外点燃大堆的篝火14. gather around 聚在周围15. plenty of fireworks 大量的烟火16. Its great fun. 太好玩了。17. appropriate behavior 合适的行为举止18. after all 毕竟,终究,别忘了19. do without 没有也行,没有而设法对付过去20. in common 共有21. be supposed to do sth.被认为做某事,应该做某事22. drive .away from 从赶走23. get used / accustomed to doing sth. 变得习惯做某事24. adjust to doing sth 适应于25. take off 脱下26. be familiar with 熟悉27. be similar to 和相似28. set off fireworks 燃放烟火Reading的句子1. Waled, why dont you tell her about the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he received it at the end-of-term ceremony?瓦利德,你为什么不向她讲一下那位英国老师的事?那位老师在期末典礼上一收到礼物就打开了。2. Its rude not to open a present when someone gives you one.当有人给你礼物的时候,你如果不打开,这是不礼貌的。3. Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei.还有一个区别是:虽然我们提供食物,软饮料,茶和咖啡,但是在婚礼招待会上不许饮酒- 事实上,在文莱饮酒是完全被禁止的。4. Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子很有趣。5. Well, its time for me to go. 嗯,我该离开了。6. I need some help with my homework its about cultural differences. 我需要帮助,因为我要完成一个文化差异方面的家庭作业。7. Well, I once went to an acquaintances wedding in Korea and I was very surprised. 嗯,我曾经参加了韩国一个熟人的婚礼,我感到非常吃惊。8. During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky. 在婚礼进行中,母鸡下了蛋,这被认为是十分幸运的,因此所有的人祝贺这对新人。9. Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it. 很多外国人很难习惯这一点。10. But my American friends are not familiar with that particular festival. 但是我的美国朋友对那个特殊的节日却不熟悉。11. Oh, its a celebration that takes place on November 5th every year. 那是一项庆祝活动,在每年的11月5日举行。12. However, in America there are large public fireworks shows on Independence Day to ensure that everyone will be satisfied, while in Britain if personal fireworks are not permitted people will just do without.然而,在美国独立日那天有大型焰火表演以确保让每个人都感到满意,而在英国如果禁止个人进行焰火表演,人们只好将就了。13. Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage.公鸡被认为能够把邪恶的鬼魂从婚礼仪式上赶走,母鸡被认为能够确保给婚姻带来好运。14. And you probably wouldnt get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding reception was being held.你极有可能不能获得很多的睡眠,如果你住在婚礼招待会正在被举行的附近。15. But what is really interesting is that there are sometimes great culturaldifferences even between native English speakers.但是确实有趣的是:即使在以英语为母语的人之间有时也存在着很大的文化差异。16. Even though we share the same language- with different accents, of course - our customs are not always alike.尽管我们使用相同的语言-当然口音不同-但是我们的风俗习惯并不总是相同。Project的短语1. make a reference book 制作一本参考书2. different ethnic groups 不同的民族3. travel brochure 旅游小册子4. give you some idea of 使你知道5. cultural experience tours 文化体验之旅6. minority culture 少数民族文化7. way of life = lifestyle 生活方式8. ride on a dog sled 乘坐狗拉雪橇9. eat mostly sth 主要吃10. in the Arctic Circle 在北极圈内11. believe in animal spirits 相信动物的灵魂12. be carved from wood 用木头雕刻而成13. go on for hours 持续几个小时14. musical instruments 乐器15. meat roasted over an open fire 在篝火上被烧烤的肉Project的句子1While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and travel in a sealskin boat.在同因纽特人相处的日子里,你将有机会乘狗拉雪橇、划海豹皮制成的皮2It is believed that the Maori people came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia.人们相信毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛。3. Cultural Experience Tours - the travel company with a difference.文化风情体验之旅-与众不同的旅游公司。4. We offer you the chance to visit different minority cultures and experience for yourself their traditions, customs and way of life.我们愿意给您提供机会,让您接触不同的少数民族文化,亲身体验他们的传统、风俗和生活方式。5. You will have the chance to join one of these large assemblies and take part in the dancing,listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games.你有机会参加这些大型集会活动和跳舞,聆听他们传统的英雄故事,还可以参加游戏项目。6. Here you will have the chance to see Aborigine aremonies with singing and dancing, based on ancient beliefs. 在这里,你将有机会目睹基于古老信仰之上的,人们又唱又跳的土著仪式。7. There are many different tribes that belong to the Native American Indian group.美洲印第安土著民族有很多不同的部落。8. The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals,trees, stones and clouds. 平原印第安人信奉至上神,认为至上神对包括动物、树木、石头和云彩在内的一切拥有控制权。9. These gods ar
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