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_高考重点动词短语集锦舒仁鸿一 . 1.1 拾起,采取:I picked up a coin in the road.pick up the phone1.2 (车船等)搭载;驾车去接(某人);装载(货物、行李)Shall I pick you up at thestation?1.3 (偶然)发现;得到(利益等);学到(知识等) ;耳闻而学会He picked up the book / information in a most unlikely place.2.1 选择She picked out the shoes that match the dress.2.2 (从多数中)找出;分辨出Can you pick out your cousin in the crowd?二 .1.1 树立(榜样,模范),竖立(柱子,三脚架,旗帜);搭(帐篷)1.2set (up)/give an example to othersset up a post / statue开办;建立;设立;创设(组织,公司,制度)A new government was set up after the civil war.2.1保留,储蓄(时间,金钱; );搁置 (一会儿 );(暂时)把 放在一旁Ive set aside some money for the journey.2.2忽视(要求,感受) ;不顾,抛弃(习惯) He set all offers aside.3.1出发,出门,动身 They set out on a sightseeing tour.3.2开始想,着手 She set out to knit ( 织 ) a sweater but in the end it became a vest(背心 ).4.1出发,动身,启程 set out for work / on a trip4.2引爆(炸弹等) ;燃放(烟花,鞭炮)set off a time bomb5.1放下,卸下 He set the box down on the table.5.2写下,记下,登记 I set down everything that happened then.6. 进入,踏上She set foot in Taiwan / on the soil.7.(从 )开船,出航;起航(去 )Our ship will set sail for Shanghai tonight.三 .1.1 拿起,举起 She took up her bag and left.1.2占(时间,地方) The table takes up too much space.1.3开始(工作,产生兴趣)take up Japanese2.1拿下 She took some cups down from the cupboard.2.2拆毁,拆除(建筑,机器)take down the old building2.3写下,记下 He took down my phone number.3.1拿进,携入 Please take the washing in if it rains.3.2吸入(空气,水等) take in a deep breath3.3欺骗,蒙骗The salesman has taken in the old people and made them buy their poor qualitygoods.4. 接管,接收 The young politician took over the leadership of the party. They have taken over our firm by buying up shares.5.1把(物)拿出,把(人)带出She took out a handkerchief from her pocket.My friends are taking me out to a show tonight.5.2除去,拔(牙等) You will have to have the tooth taken out.6.1把(物)拿走,运走,把(人)带走You may not take these books away from thelibrary.6.2收拾(物),清理 take away the dishes on the table四 .1.1 送掉,免费给予,赠与He gave all his lands away to the city.1.2(不经意)泄露 He is to sure to give away your secret.2.分配,分发 give out the newspapers / The president will give out diplomas(毕业 )证书3.1 戒掉(习惯),放弃(尝试,想法)You should not give up hope.The police gave their search/searching for the missing child.3.2 放弃(病人),对 放弃希望,不再指望(某人)到来The doctors gave his father up精品资料_two years ago.I had almost given you up when the doorbell rang.4.1归还 Have you given the money back to Jane yet?4.2恢复 The long summer vacation will give her back her rosy complexion(红润 ).5.放出(光,烟,气味) ,散发 These wild flowers give off a nice smell.五 .1.1 翻倒,翻过来,翻身 A big wave turned over the fishing boats.1.2翻(书),翻查(文件) He turned over the papers.2.1向 求助,依赖,查阅I turned to him for help.2.2翻到(书的某页,某章)Please turn to Page 27.3.1转入旁道,(路)分岔 They turned off from the avenue.3.2停掉、关掉(煤气,自来水,电灯,电视)turn off a tap / an oven5.1出现,露面 He turns up late for everything.发现、出现,找到 The key you lost has turned up.5.2(龙头,开关等)变大,开大Turn up the radio.5.3卷起(衣袖,衣领) ,向上折(裙摆,裤管)turn up one s collar6.1翻下(衣袖,衣领) ,折回(裙摆,裤管)turn down your skirt6.2(龙头,开关等)变小,调小Please turn down (the volume on) the television.6.3拒绝(要求),驳回turn down his request7.1(=turn about )转变( )方向,回头,向后转She turned around.7.2(使 )旋转 She turned around the wheel.8.1产生( )结果,结果是Everything turned out well.It turned out that two travelers had been killed.8.2生产 The factories can turn out 1,000 cars a day.六 .1. 派人去拿、叫 He sent for more beer. / I ll send for a taxi.2. 寄回,退回,退还,送回 The boss sent back her report.3. 呈送(文件等) ,(在比赛中)交作品 More than 6,000 new records are sent in to theGuinness Book of World each year.(寄送某处进行处理)4.1 寄出(信等) ,发出(信息等)We should send all these parcels off by noon.4.2 派遣,把 赶走,为 送行 The teacher sent the naughty boy off七 . 1.1 处理,收拾,把 放在一旁 Put the toys away.1.2 ( =put aside ) He put away some amount of money for his son.2.1放回,送回 Put the tape back where it was.2.2使朝向后方(移动) ,拨回(钟表)针 She put the chair/clock back.3.1穿,穿在身上,戴在 Put your coat on when you go out.3.2增加(速度,体重等) She has put on some weight.3.3放上,盖上 Put a kettle ( 水壶 ) on.4.1放下,(使乘客等)下车 Put me down at the next corner, please.4.2写下,记下 I put down his address.5. 延期,延后 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.八 .1.1 向上看,抬头看 Look up at the top of the tree.1.2 (在词典,时刻表等中)查看Look up ( the meaning of ) the word in the dictionary.1.3 尊重( to ) You should look up to your parents.2.1 通过 看 l
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