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Unit 1 1 Mary was walking down the street when she suddenly bumped into John.玛丽在街上行走时突然遇到约翰2 The novelist is not concerned with other peoples attitude to his work. 这位小说家并不关心人们对他作品的态度3 What you have said is reminiscent of an experience I had some time ago. 你的讲述使我想起过去的一次经历4 The dinners were replete with food before the desert was served. 上甜食前,每个用餐者都已吃的很饱了.5 I have no idea where last Saturdays newspaper is ,in all probability, it might have been thrown away . 我不知道上星期六的报纸到哪里去了,很可能已经扔掉了.6 Young people nowadays are beyond my comprehension.我无法理解现在的年轻人7 The first thing the secretary does is to sort out the pile of documents and letters on his desk.这位秘书要做的第一件事是把他桌上的那堆文件和信件加以分类. 8 The climber put a rope around themselves in the waist to save them from falling off the cliff. 攀登者身上系着绳索以防从悬崖摔下来.9 Strive to reach you goal , you are on the edge of success. 你快成功了,要努力去达到你的目的10 Teachers should not press their views on the students. 教师不应该把自己的观点强加于学生Unit 2 1 Before he was promoted, the committee delved into his previous professional records. 在提升他之前,委员会查看了他过去的业务档案2 To do him justice , we must admit that his inventions were good .公平而论,我必须承认他的用意是好的3 She had so many things to do that she could not do justice to her lessons.她的事太多,以至没有好好做作业4 Will this money suffice for your present need?这些钱够你现在花吗?5 There women candidates with the same name are standing for this seat. 三名同名女士竞选这个席位.6 Unesco stands for The United Nations Educational , Scientific, and Cultural Organization.UNESCO 字母代表联合国教科文组织.7 In common with many people , he prefers classical music to pop music.和许多人一样,他对古典音乐的偏爱甚于流行音乐.8 The two friends has many things in common. 这两个朋友有许多共同之处.9 It is customary for our family to eat out on Saturday evenings.星期六晚上外出就餐是我家的习惯 10 Given the fact that the measuring instruments were defective , the experiment was bound to be a failure. 假如度量仪出了故障,实验肯定要失败.Unit 3 1 He has many ideas too elusive to be put into words. 他有很多难以用语言表达的想法2 The group leader allotted a special task to each person. 组长给每个人分配了一项专门任务3 They manipulated the election by bribing the voters. 他们通过贿赂选民来操控选举.4 Her smile was a manifestation of joy. 她的微笑是高兴的表现5 The desire of survival is inherent in everyone. 求生的愿望人人都有6 Correct decisions stem from correct judgment. 正确的决定来源于正确的判断7 My father left the choice of career to me , and I opted for law. 在选择职业问题上,我父亲让我拿主意,我选择了律师职业.8 Appearance seldom coincides with reality. 外表和实际很少相符.9 He made an arbitrary decision to close the theater without consulting other people. 他没与人商量就随意决定关闭这个剧场.10 The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Zhang Daqian. 这幅未署名的画被误认为是张大千的作品.Unit 4 1 He can hardly afford to miss another day at school. 他几乎再也缺不得一天课了.2 The nation can not afford to spare these well-educated professionals. 这个国家难以舍弃这些受过良好教育的专业人才3 The company specializing in computer software has rapidly expanded in the recent years. 这家经营计算机软件的公司近几年发展很快.4 The microscope became blurred with moisture. 由于有湿气,这台显微镜变的模糊不清了.5 He elucidated the varieties of the two groups of reactions. 他阐述了这两组反应的变异性.6 A chemical analytical method was applied to the identification of the substance.采用了一种化学分析方法来鉴定这种物质7 Zoology may be defined as the science of the structure, forms and distribution of animals.动物学是研究动物结构种类和分布的科学. 8 A microscope is an instrument that magnifies extremely small objects so that they can be seen easily.显微镜这种工具是用来放大微小物体的,从而使人们容易观察它们.9 Psychology may be regarded as the branch of biological science which studies the mental nature and processes of a person. 心理学是生物科学的一个分支.他它研究人的心理状态,心理过程等现象.Unit 5 1Mr. Smith pinpointed the cause of the accident. 史密斯先生确定了事故的原因.2 The patients persistent high temperature puzzled the doctors. 病人持续高烧使大夫们感到困惑.3 It took him a long time to untangle the wire.解开缠绕的电线花了他很长的时间.4 He cant establish a company of his own because he is deficient in capital.他不能成立自己的公司,因为缺少资金.5 The two computers are not at all comparable in speed.这两台计算机的速度全然不同.6 You may have detected a shift in emphasis. 你或许已经觉察到了重点转移了.7 They ended up taking a taxi there. 他们最终还是乘出租车去那儿.8 Overall, the situation is encouraging.总的来说,形式令人鼓舞.9 They used animals as the subjects of their experiment.他们把动物作为实验对象10 Their success is only a question of time. 他们的成功只是个时间问题.Unit 6 1 It was not until the mid-twentieth century that the psychology really came into its own. 直到20世纪中叶心理学才真正得到应有的重视.2 I hope that the newly-built experiment center will cater for your particular needs. 我希望新建的实验中心能适应你们的特殊要求.3 In many cases the body of the person receiving the transplant is incompatible with the organs being transplanted. 在许多情况下,接受器官移植的身体对移植器官有排他性.4 Be careful not to inject a young child with this strong solution. 注意别给小孩注射这种强药剂.5 If the product launched onto the market should not win popularity, the companys whole future would be at stake . 如果投放到市场上的这种产品不受欢迎的话,公司的未来很成问题.6 The futur
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