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美国西北理工大学EMBA论文论文题目精益生产中的持续改进摘要精益生产(Lean Manufacturing)是第二次世界大战结束后,以日本丰田汽车 为代表的日本制造业面临资金和资源非常匮乏的形势下,在追赶欧美发达国家汽 车制造业的过程中,结合杜绝一切浪费的思想而逐步形成的一个不同于大批量生 产的全新的生产方式。后经美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车组织(IMVP)的专家 对日本丰田生产方式进行研究,结合许多典型的丰田生产案例而总结出来的一种 先进的生产方式。精益生产方式不同于大批量生产方式的关键区别就在于以用户 需要为导向,最大程度地满足用户日益变化和追求差异化产品和服务的需求,同 时在经营各个过程中,通过持续改进,达到彻底杜绝一切浪费,给客户创造更大 价值。持续改进(CI)是精益生产的核心思想。精益生产方式关注于满足用户不断 增长的并且不断变化的多样化需求,这个变化的多样化的需求是精益生产的原动 力,而制造企业要在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,在竞争中取得领导优势, 必须在企业运营的各个过程进行不断的创新,不断改进,不断研究和分析用户的 意见和需求,并将这些意见和需求落实到诸如新品研究,质量改进,新的销售模 式开发,和企业流程改进和更新过程中。持续改进(CI)是精益生产的灵魂。在消除等待浪费,搬运浪费,不良品浪 费,动作浪费,工序浪费,库存浪费,过度生产等七大浪费的活动中,无处不需 要持续改进的概念和持续改进的方式方法,发动全体员工,找出浪费的所在,用 持续改进的方法,彻底消灭和杜绝一切浪费。持续改进(CI)是企业取得竞争优势的战略。持续改进之前长期被看作一种 质量管理的方法,但是目前许多西方学者将持续改进看作企业保持创新动力和企 业获得创新能力的战略。持续改进能力也被认为是企业获得创新动力的能力。持续改进(CI)是企业文化建设的核心内容。优秀的公司应该拥有优秀的企 业文化,持续改进是优秀企业文化的核心。企业需要在激烈的市场竞争中保持比 较优势,必须在企业各个方面做得比竞争对手优秀,而任何企业都不可能一蹴而 就地建立一个优秀的企业文化,企业需要不断建设它企业文化内涵,而这个过程 就是持续改进的过程。在制造型企业中如何激励全体员工参与到持续改进中,开 发和实施行之有效的系统性方法和制度,发动全体员工参与到企业的经营管理活 动中来,是关系到企业是否成功的关键性要素。关键词:精益生产 (Lean Manufacturing )持续改进CI(continuous improveme nt)AbstractLean Manufacturing is a brand-new manufacturing model differentfrom mass production that began after WWII, Toyota, as representative of Japanese manufacturing industry facing the situation of lack of funds and resources, chasing after automobile manufacturing industry in developed countries from European and America, formed a new way of manufacturing methods. After several International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP) experts from Massachusetts Institute of Technology research on Japan Toyota production way, combining with many typical Toyota production cases to form an advanced production methods. The key difference between lean manufacturing and mass production is customer-oriented, to maximum satisfy customers continuing changes, customer pursue of product and service differentiation, at meantime to eliminate all wastes during the operation through continuous improvement, to create better value for customers.Continuous improvement (CI) is the core idea of lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing put more focus on the customers conti uing growing, changing diversified needs. This diversified need is the driving power for lean manufacturing. A manufacturer who wants to be the leader in the fierce competition should do continuous innovation and continuous improvement, research and analysis for the customer opinions during each business process, and implement all those opinions and requirements into such as new product research, quality improvement, new sales mode development, and company process improvement and updating process.Continuous improvement (CI) is the soul of the lean manufacturing. Eliminating Waiting, transportation, rework, motion, over processing, inventory, overproduction, all those 7 wastes require continuous improvements concept and methods. Every employees need to be motivated to dig out the waste, to reduce and eliminate all wastes through continuous improvements.Continuous improvement (CI) is a strategy which helps company to achieve the competitive advantage. Before, continuous improvement was regarded as methods for quality management for a long-time, but now many western scholars take continuous improvements as a strategy for company to keep innovation capacity and to achieve innovation capacity. Continuous improvement is also regarded as the power for company to achieve the innovation.Continuous improvement (CI) is a core of company culture establishment .Excellent company should have excellent company culture ; continuous improvement is the core of excellent company culture The company who needs to keep the advantage in the strong competition need to be better in every field than the competitors, however, any companies cannot establish an excellent company culture immediately, the company needs to establish its culture continuously, this process is actually a continuous improvement process. For a manufacturing company, how to motivate all its employees to take part in the continuous improvements activities to develop and implement valid methods and systematic process, motivate all employees to take part in the business management operation, is a key for the company to success.Key words: Lean Manufacturing Continuous Improvement目录第一章精益生产的起源及发展第二节精益生产的发展第二节 精益生产在我国引入和实施9第二章持续改进是精益生产的灵魂10第一节持续改进思想是精益生产的基础动力10第二节持续改进在精益生产各个方面的体现11第三节持续改进的指导原则12第四节 持续改进目标量化原则SMART13第五节 持续改进实施方法PDCA循环14第六节服务质量持续改进的一种体系介绍16第三章运用价值流VSM分析方法持续改进19第一节 价值流VSM分析方法19第二节 价值流VSM分析输出20第四章杜绝一切浪费为客户提供更大价值21第一节 客户是持续改进的目标中心21第二节 生产运营中的七大浪费21第五章建立持续改进的企业文化23第一节马斯洛需求理论23第二节持续改进是员工的深层次需求25第三节持续改进给员工提供了施展才华的机会25第六章建立持续改进的推动体系26第一节持续改进积分体系26第二节持续改进管理流程及实施细则26第三节持续改进积分和奖品30第四节持续改进成功案例30第一章精益生产的起源及发展第一节精益生产的起源精益生产(LEAN MANUFACTURING)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组 织的专家对日本丰田准时化生产方式研究后总结出来的一种先进的生产方式。它 的含义是用最少的生产要素生产出客户满意质量的产品,也就是在适当的时间生 产客户必要数量的产品。工业这一开创大批量生产方式和精益生产方式JIT的典型工 业为例,经
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