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辽宁省丹东市2019-2021年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编情景反应2021年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题V情景反应(从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。其中有两个多余选项。每小题1分,共5分)A. Itll get in the way of our schoolwork.B. Im reading a novel.C. Mobile phones are part of our life now.D. Anyway, some ways will be found to solve such problems.E. Im reading the newspaper.F. Thats a good idea.G. Sounds like you have a point.A: Hi, Wu Lan! What are you doing?B: Hi, Li Ming! 7l Here, it is reported that mobile phones are banned(禁止) in primary and secondary schools by the Ministry of Education.A: Oh, no! 72 Weve grown up with them.B: Well, I think its a good rule, though. If we bring mobile phones to school, we might want to check them out from time to time. 73 A: But we can try to control ourselves.B: Even adults cant always control themselves, let alone(更何况) kids like us.A: 74 However, I have to use a bike-sharing app on the phone every day.B: Hmm. Maybe it is a little inconvenient sometimes. 75 .A: Well, I hope so.答案:71-75 ECAFD【分析】A:你好,吴兰!你在做什么?B:嗨,李明。我正在看报纸。据报道,教育部禁止中小学使用手机。A:哦,不。移动电话现在是我们生活的一部分。我们和它们一起长大。B:不过,我认为这是个好规定。如果我们把手机带到学校,我们可能会不时地检查手机。这会妨碍我们的功课的。A:但我们可以试着控制自己。B:即使是成年人也不能总是控制自己,更不用说了像我们这样的孩子。A:听起来你有道理。不过,我每天都要在手机上使用自行车共享应用程序。B:嗯可能有时候有点不方便。无论如何,我们会找到一些方法来解决这些问题。A:希望如此。【解答】去细节推理题。(71)E. 根据下文据报道,教育部禁止中小学使用手机,结合选项可知要用E项我正在看报纸作答。故选E。(72)C. 根据上文据报道,教育部禁止中小学使用手机。我们和它们一起长大,结合选项可推出用C项移动电话现在是我们生活的一部分回答。故选C。(73)A. 根据上文如果我们把手机带到学校,我们可能会不时地检查手机,可知此处用A项这会妨碍我们的功课的作答。故选A。(74)G. 根据上文即使是成年人也不能总是控制自己,更不用说了像我们这样的孩子,结合选项可知用G项听起来你有道理回答。故选G。(75)D. 根据上下文,结合选项可知此处用D项无论如何,我们会找到一些方法来解决这些问题作答。故选D。【点评】题目要求选句子补全对话,主要考查学生的语言运用能力及日常交际能力。做题时要根据上下文语境来确定答案范围,再结合备选项来确定最终答案。2020年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题.情景反应(从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。其中有两个多余选项)A: You look worried and unhappy, Whats wrong?B: Oh, I did badly in the English exam.A: _51_ What are your problems?B: I cant get the pronunciation right. _52_ A: Why not read after the tape?B: _53_ But I always make mistakes in writing.A: Thats too bad. You could try making up more sentences.B: Maybe Ill try. The last one is that _54_A: Taking grammar notes in class may help you to understand the grammar.B: Great! Ill do that. Thanks a lot.A: _55_A. You are welcome.B. You should have a try.C. Good luck to you!D. I find it hard to understand grammar.E. Sorry to hear that.F. What should I do?G. Good idea.【答案】51. E 52. F 53. G 54. D 55. A【解析】B学生英语考试很糟糕,他在学习英语中遇到了一些困难,他一一叙述了这些困难,A给他提出了一些建议。【51题详解】句意:我的英语考试很糟糕。听到那个我很难过。你的问题是什么?根据上句话“I did badly in the English exam”可知,B在英语考试中考得很糟糕,听到这样一件不开心的事情,应用Sorry to hear that回应。故选E。【52题详解】句意:你的问题是什么?我发音不对。我该怎么办啊?为什么不跟着磁带读呢?根据语境可知,B叙述了他学习英语中存在的问题,下句话“Why not”为表建议句型,是A给他的建议,因此这里应问对方“该怎么办”,故选F。【53题详解】句意:为什么不跟着磁带读呢?好主意。根据上句话“Why not read after the tape”可知,A提出了建议,这里应对这个建议表明态度,G选项符合语境,故选G。【54题详解】句意:最后一点是我发现语法很难理解。课堂上做语法笔记可以帮助你理解语法。根据下句话“Taking grammar notes in class may help you to understand the grammar.”可知,A对如何学好语法提出了建议,由此可推测,这个空上B叙述了他在语法上的困难。故选D。【55题详解】句意:非常感谢。不客气。上句话“Thanks a lot”是B对A的感谢,回答对方的感谢,可以用Youre welcome.意为“不客气”。故选A。2019年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题三、信息匹配(本大题共5小题, 共25. 0分) 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话. 其中有两个多余选项. A. I want to go there with you. B. But I dont know where to go. C. Can you tell me something about it? D. Do you have any suggestions, Helen? E. That sounds good. F. Did you go anywhere interesting? G. Have a good trip.M:Its wonderful that I have a seven-day holiday. I want to have a trip. _ (1) W:Thats a long holiday. You can relax yourself, Bill. M:OK. (2) W:Well, how about Yalu Villa(山庄)? Last month my friend Kate went there for a trip. When she came back, she told me many interesting things about it. M: (3) W:Sure. For example, the people there are friendly. The most interesting thing is that you can have a barbecue(烤肉). At the same time, you can also go fishing or enjoy the beauty of nature. Its relaxing.
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