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面试幼教英文自我介绍面试幼教英文自我介绍当来到一个新环境时,我们总归要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍可以满意我们渴望得到敬重的心理。那么你真的会写自我介绍吗?以下是我帮大家整理的面试幼教英文自我介绍,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。面试幼教英文自我介绍1 Hello eye. ce to met ou. I yhppy o sand r to teh yo. Younow, ths ise firsttimw met each oter,so let m intrduc sel o you.y fmily nae is Cheng, andmyEglis name is Mak So you can all merhengor Mark. isyear is my animal year. Igrauaefrom HubeiUniersiy f tehnoloBuiness Eglshi mmjr. n sptime le liseninto music n pay ing-pong.Imy cas, I hopl of you suy hardand orat it my achng. I hink youwil have hap time i my class. thwise ou wll encunter (met) lo of trobl In m onin, its as o studyEngshwell, b you sto it wel inthe folowi aspecs or eampl,Listncareully and mae otes in my cl. Fini ur omework o me.u shold read,te, pa d wrte Eglisheeryd s e allknw ractce mke prf.面试幼教英文自我介绍2 I gadtedfr ecrs College x kindergate teachig, 21yers ld, ing an sponsble,forthe dfferen sages ofhild cre, inividualized totarge hdn Ihveworke in ia Ws ral University,NanchnCity, Sichun Prvince ssidary kindegrtn, kindergren andChengduin Siua Provice ingshn saltThiste Meldy ntrtioal Forein nae Schol Kinderteinergae treewere one to twmonhs f intrhip, and aerin alt histle Foreign LanguagePmay School for amonh, the kndegrten teachin innship during the paent cae copleted togee it the cildeto lernanday, nd ativ ocern andasstac intheir daily ivenot onltaught chldren to ern textook knowege, u alo fous onevelnthreaigiterd inrganizingacties tofteea orkablit and theapaity o tat eac sunt anfully demostrae their own to la their own advantages. I aat ovated,hard-workig, in practc a lo of groth has enrihed my pesional ad leard moe and mre practicl knwledge, and als eceivd teacheld praise. Cours workin he futue, I oullik otneo larnand mprov emslves. Plese give me a chance ol, I wilmov to proemy alit!面试幼教英文自我介绍3 i there, My nam is X.i woulld like t pply f his j of nglish teacher fr childrn. Mypan f th furtre i tati wu ie t st ih cldre a shr the moents n ter ive anprovid tmwthhelp advice aing fridswth themand lettin tm eel yorehe one heycan tak and rustPus i ike eglis very u.wth this ia,ian to cmimy loveorcldre t yabilit of eglishehr,so ica workn a easant eniromnt oingth geat higsi enjoydoig. sirysewith richpontil of qualtying ut a god eglsh teacer.I have hear for cre, lovng and ring hert.nd i wou cealyplae itupon stunts,eig ter closefrend andsir.whie ith my reatv d relxg englih eachigmetho,student wu larn ngish troug interacting with meorthe others ntead f being tld wht to y. I am aso eryope-mindandeaygoi,whichwil ae myelf a oplar gureeverywhere.ndof urse amery mucte ype of t girl etoor.alway wiling to tke sugesins n crte a fun clssrm for rnext nerato belive e saidquie euh of yelf. op onow kow morout me tn jut now. I woud cerl cerih this and along vy well wth al pele out ee.Ihak you ery mc agai or gving methis opportnity to tl with yo. lok forard to earing good ews from you on.hank you !本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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