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小学英语作文:假如地球上没有水和关于爱高考英语作文范文50篇【导语】大心整理的小学英语作文:假如地球上没有水和关于爱!学习!更多相关讯息请关注大!【篇一】Teachers always ask us to save as much water as possible, but most students just forget it quickly.Imagine there is no water on earth, there will be no life, because we need water to keep living.The animals and plants also need water to be alive.So we must cherish the water and use them in the proper way.教师总是让我们要节约用水,但是大多数学生很快会把教师的话抛之脑后。 想象一下假如地球上没有水,那就就没有生命了,因为我们需要水来维持生命。动物和植物也需要水才能存活。所以我们一定要珍惜水资,合理用水。【篇二】Recently, I saw an interesting mercial ad.The celebrities asked people the question what would you do for love.I thought of this question for a while and my parents lingered on my mind.I wanted to help them share the housework, so they could be much easier.I also wanted to get progress on my study, so that my parents would be very happy.最近,我看到一那么有趣的商业广告。 广告里面名人问了大家一个问题,你会为爱做什么?我想了下这个问题,父母的形象一直在我的脑海中彷徨。我想帮他们分担家务,这样他们就可以轻松很多。我也想在学习上有所进步,这样我的父母就会很快乐。第 页 共 页
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