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(课题)执笔人: 授课人:教学内容教学目标(1)认读新短语on top of。(2)学习运用句型Where was the first/second/ bottle? It was on the water/in front of the boy.(3)培养学生集中注意力仔细观察图片,快速找出相应物体位置的能力。教学重点学习新短语on top of, 学习运用新句型Where was the first/second/ bottle? It was on the water/in front of the boy.教学难点进行课文C部分问答。教、学具准备教学时间教学流程教 学 设 计个性反思Step 1 Warm up热身1、Greetings.(师生问候)2、Sing an English song: Ten Green Bottles3、给学生分组:T: Today, Ill divide you into six groups. 教师依次指着各个小组,引导学生一起说:This is the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth group.T: Lets have a competition. Work hard and try your best! Lets see which group is the best one.【设计意图】学生进行分组竞赛,有利于调动学生学习积极性。同时也复习了序数词第一至第六。Step 2 Presentation新课呈现1、教授新短语on top of.出示一个瓶子。T: Whats this? Ss: Its a bottle.出示一面小红旗。T: Whats this? Ss: Its a red flag.教师把小红旗插在瓶盖上:Where is the flag?Ss: Its on the bottle.T: Yes. Its on the bottle. You can also say: Its on top of the bottle. What does “on top of” mean? Do you know?出示短语on top of,教师领读。 (幻灯片:短语on top of)出示人站在山顶的图片,(幻灯片:人站在山顶图片)T: Can you say something about the picture? Where is the man?Ss: He is on top of the hill.【设计意图】选择瓶子和小红旗作为实物教具,既简单又直观形象。通过对人站在山顶的图片描述,使学生学会on top of在句子中的运用。2、教授新句型Where was the first/second bottle? It was . T: Lets play a game. Two students follow my order to hide the bottles in this classroom and the other two students seek for them. Whod like to try? 游戏结束后教师提问:Where was the first bottle? Ss: It was in the bag.T: Where was the second bottle?Ss: It was beside the computer.教师板书句型Where was the first/second bottle? It was .【设计意图】“找瓶子”游戏寓教于乐,学生在藏与找的教学高潮中初步了解要掌握的句型。3、看图说话。出示课文Part C图片。(幻灯片Part C图片)T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see the sea/land/sand/beach. I can see a lovely boy/ big tree/red car/blue flag/wood rubbish bin/brown hat/ sand castle. I can see some bottles/plants.T: Last Sunday was a fine day. Binbin went out to play. Where was he?Ss: He was on the beach/near the sea/in front of the sand castle.T: Where was the car/rubbish bin/bag?Ss: It was.【设计意图】通过看图说话环节,学生既复习了旧知,又巩固运用了新句型。Step 3 Practice练习完成课文Part C找瓶子问答。(幻灯片Part C图片及问答题)T: How many bottles are there in the picture?Ss: There are six bottles in the picture.T: Did you find all the six bottles?Ss: Yes.T: Where was the first bottle?S1: It was on the water.S2: It was in front of Binbin.S3: It was in the sea.教师请一位学生上台问:Where was the second bottle?S4: It was in Binbins hand.S5: It was beside Binbin.教师让学生一起提问:Where was the third bottle?S6: It was beside the rubbish bin.S7: It was near the flag.S8: It was on the sand.第四号至第六号瓶让学生先分组讨论,再请3个小组各派2名代表上台问答。S9: Where was the fourth bottle?S10: It was in front of the car.S11: Where was the fifth bottle?S12: It was on the trousers.S13: Where was the sixth bottle?S14: It was behind the tree.【设计意图】问答形式由师问生答逐渐过渡到学生互问互答,体现了学生逐渐掌握句型和运用所学开展语言交际的层次感。有的问题回答可灵活多变,要鼓励学生多想多说,并对回答有新意的同学给予表扬。Step 4 Consolidation巩固新知创设找兔子的情景。 T: I have three toys. Theyre white. They have long ears and red eyes. Guess! What are they?Ss: Theyre rabbits.T: Yes. Youre right.教师拿出装玩具兔的空盒子,作吃惊、焦急状。Oh, dear! Where are my toy rabbits? Can you help me to look for them?教师请3位学生在教室里找玩具兔,其他同学观察玩具兔被找到的位置。所有的玩具兔被找到后3位学生分别提问:Where was the first/second/third rabbit? 其他学生根据记忆快速作答:It was.【设计意图】找玩具兔的情景让学生进入第二个教学高潮,学生在找、看、问、答中把所学的新语言项目与旧知联系起来,达到交际运用的目的。Step 5 Extending综合拓展根据刚才的找玩具兔活动,每个小组画出一张玩具兔位置图,组员间运用所学句型问答。【设计意图】通过布置画玩具兔位置图的任务,使学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。Step6 Summary课堂小结1、用幻灯片展示新学短语和句型,引导学生共同总结这节课学的知识。(幻灯片Summary)2、小结6组竞赛结果。3、课后作业(幻灯片Homework): 每人画一幅玩具兔位置图并写出3句描述玩具兔位置的句子,向父母介绍英语课上找玩具兔的活动情况。板书设计:教学反思注:1.个性反思包括自己对教学设计的不同看法及学生在课中的活动。教学反思是对自己一节课的整体评价(学生在课堂中的表现、学生精的回答、教学效果的体现、自己对这节课满意和不满意的地方、引起自己的教学思考等等)。以上请勿用轻描淡写的语言应付带过。
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