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形容词比较级最高级练习题写出下列单词的反义词1. hot 2.new 3. clean 4. high5. heavy 6.cold 7. bad二、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1. old2. busy3. thi n4. many5. slow6. delicious三、用适当形式填空:1. Bob is ( young ) tha n Fred but(tall) tha n Fred.2. Yin gtia n is not as(tall) asY on gxia n.3. Almost all the stude nts faces are the same but Li Demi ng looks(fat) tha n before .4. Which is (heavy), a hen or a chicke n?5. - How (tall) is Sally?-She s 1.55 metres (tall). What about Xiaoli ng?-She s on ly 1.40 metres(tall). She is much(short) than Sally. She is also the(short)girli n theclass.6. He is (bad) at learning maths. He is much (bad) at Chinese and he isthe (bad) at En glish.7. Ann ie says Sally is the(kind) pers on in the world.8. He is one of the(frien dly) people in the class, I thi nk.9. A dictio nary is much(expe nsive) tha n a story-book.10. An orange ia a little(big) tha n an apple, but much(small) tha n a watermelo n.11. Miss Chen isthan Mr. Wang. (popular)12. Mr. LinMr. Brow n. (sad)13. The basketballthe baseball. (big)14. Questio n AQuesti on B. (importa nt)15. A rosea wee野草). (beautiful)16. Toro nto iscity in Can ada. (large)17. Playi ng computer games isof all the activities.( in teresti ng).18. The Nile(尼羅河)isriver in the world. (long)19. Good health isthing life. (importa nt)20. Taking a taxi isway to get to the airport. (easy)21. Test 1 isof all the tests. (difficult) 22. He isthan any otherboy in the class. (clever)23. She istha n all the other stude nts. (young)24. The wi ndow isof the two. (n arrow)25. Where is thebus-stop? (n ear)26. He is one ofPoliticia ns. (famous)27. Tom drives muchthan Joh n. (careful)28. The white flower is (beautiful). The yellow flower is(beautiful)thanthe white flower. The red flower is theof the three.四、选择题1. She istha n.A. busier / us B. busier / we C. more busy / us D. more busy / we2. Jane istha n Betty.A. less taller B. less tallest C. less tall D. not as tall3. Chi na iscountry in the world.A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest4. -Which isseas on in Beiji ng?-I think its autumn.A.goodB.better C.bestD.the best5. - Which is, the sun, the moon or the earth?-Of course, the moon is.A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest6. The air in Beijing is getting muchnow than a few years ago.A. clea nB. clea nerC. clea nestD. the clea nest7. Mobile phones are very popular now and they aretha n before.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest8. I study English asas my brother.A.hard B. harder C. hardest9. Which is, a bicycle or a computer?A. expe nsiveB.more expe nsiveC.the most expe nsive10. The Yellow River is one ofrivers in Chi na.A long B Ion gerC the Ion gest11.She is the sec ondstude nt in our class.A. tall B. taller C. Tallest形容词比较级和最高级练习题一. 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1. Tom can jump(high). He jumps(high) tha n the other boys inhis class.2. Janet sing(well) in her class. She can sing(well) tha n her music teacher, too.3. My father is (handsome). But my brother is (handsome) than him. He is(han dsome) in my family.4. I have(many) books in my class. But my teacher has(many) books tha n(I).5. (they) house is much(old) tha n(we).6. (she) dances(well) tha n(he).7. (he) house are(small) of the four.8. Does(she) mother get up(early) tha n(you)?9. Which eats(ma ny), the mouse, the dog or the horse?10. Are(we) goi ng to play football with(they)?二. 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:longwidefatheavyslowfewbrightly-badlyfarquicklyhappy-unhappy三. 用所给词的正确形式填空:1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the(clever).2. Gold(黄金)is(little) useful than iron(铁).3. My sister is two years(old ) tha n I.4. John s parents have four daughters, and she is the(young) child.5. The(cheap) bags are the not usually the best on es.6. The short one is by farexpe nsive of the five.7. The boy is not so(in teresti ng) as his brother.8. Dick sings(well), she sings(well) than John, but Mary sings(well) in herclass.9. She will be much(happy) in her mew house.10. This dress isthat.(twice, asas ,expensive)四选择填空:1. He feelstoday tha n yesterday.A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired2. Which do you like, coffee, tea or milk?A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst3. Of the two toys, the child chose.A. the expe nsive one B. one most expe nsiveC. a least expe nsiveD. the most expe nsive of them4. The line istha n that one.A. more Ion ger B. not Ion ger C. much more Ion ger D. many more Ion ger5. The earth isthe moon.A. as 49 times big as B. 49 times as bigger asC. 49 times as big as D.as big as 49 times6. The book isof the two.A. thinner B. the thinner C. more thinner D. the thinn est7. She lookstha n she does.A. the more older B. very older C. much older D.
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