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MSc HRM 2011-12Performance and Reward Management Module GuideContentsPage numberMODULE WELCOME AND TUTOR DETAILS2MODULE OUTLINEModule Aims4Anticipated learning outcomes4Learning and Teaching Strategy and Methods Including Resources5ASSESSMENT6YOUR READING AND RESOURCES Texts9Researching your own sources and articles 11PROGRAMME (INDICATIVE)Programme Schedule & Timetable12Session by session details (indicative) 13-17Module Welcome & Tutor Details Hello and welcome to the Performance & Reward Management module. I trust you will find this module guide useful. In it, you will find module details, aims and learning outcomes, the learning and teaching strategy, a module overview/timetable and session details. The module is also supported via Blackboard, where you will find this guide, session slides and activities, learning resources, large readings list and more!Our contact details can be found below. If you have any questions, just ask any of us in a session or via email. We look forward to taking this learning journey with you over the coming weeks!Janette, Anne and KatherineJanette Hurst (Module Leader), Anne Coggins & Katherine Gardiner (Module Tutors)The tutors for this module and their contact details are:Janette Hurst J.Hurstshu.ac.ukDr Katherine Gardiner K.M.Gardinershu.ac.uk Anne Cogginsa.m.cogginsshu.ac.ukAddress: Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, Stoddart Building, City Campus, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WBIn order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it. John Ruskin (1819-1900) If you are trying to change the way you run a company, one of the most visible things you have to change is the way you compensate, reward and recognize people.Paul Allaire, CEO, Xerox Corp (1992)From salary administration to strategic management.There are signs that pay is shedding its Cinderella status and making the transformation from the turgid, unimaginative and inflexible world of wage and salary administration to a brave new world where integration with the organisations goals and other personnel practices typifies the rhetoric, if not always actual practice. Lewis (2000)A goal without a plan is just a wishAntoine de Saint-Exupry (1900 - 1944)Module AimsThe broad aims of this module are to develop in learners an understanding of performance management and reward management in terms of their role in supporting the strategic objectives of the organisation and the ability to develop approaches and systems within an organisation. Performance management will be approached from the organisational angle with a view to establishing its impact on an organisations effectiveness and evaluation of this as well as look at high-performance organisational practices. Individual performance matters will then be covered to enable students to evaluate and manage both performance issues and performance coaching. Reward philosophies, approaches, impact and evaluation will be covered, including total reward management, pay/ non-pay aspects, and international & executive reward arrangements. In doing this, students will be equipped with appropriate diagnostic skills so that they can undertake critical analysis of performance and reward challenges within an organisation and develop appropriate and effective policies and practices meet these. In addition, the module will look at issues of employee involvement, transparency, fairness and ethics in modern organisations. Critical reflection on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint and for continuous professional development is required. Anticipated learning outcomesBY THE END OF THE MODULE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:1. Understand and analyse contemporary developments and the relationship between the environment, strategy and systems of performance and reward management.2. Apply coherently key theoretical concepts and approaches to current issues and challenges within the area. 3. Critically evaluate the contribution of performance and reward management to increased organisational performance. 4. Make appropriate and informed contributions to strategic and operational planning and decision making in an organisational context. 5. Critically evaluate performance and reward policies, practices and tools. Learning and Teaching Strategy and Methods The overall aim is to for you to have an active and engaged learning experience where you work with in
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