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江苏省句容市后白中学九年级英语练习(1) 牛津译林版 Weekly Test.词汇。A) 根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词。1. How are you_(今天)?2. I think your answer(答案)is _(正确的).3. I like watching TV in the _(晚上).4. _(喂), this is Mr Green speaking.5. _(什么)can you see in the picture?B)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。6. M_ Green is Mr Greens wife (妻子).7. Good m_, Simon. Lets go to school. 8. Whats your n_? Millie. 9. G_, Mr Lu. See you tomorrow. 10. Are you Daniel? Y_, I am. . 单项选择,选择最佳答案。1. Good afternoon! _!A. Good nightB. Good morning C. Good afternoon2. Hi, Nick. _, Andy.A. OKB. FineC. Hi 3. Which is a girls name?A. Nick.B. Millie. C. Andy.4. You are Jill, right? _.A. Yes, Im NickB. No, Im, NickC. I am Peter5. _? Nick.A. Whats your name B. How are you C. You are Nick, right6. Are you Miss Fang? _.A. Yes, ImB. Yes, you are C. Yes, I am7. Its polite (礼貌) to say “_” to your parents (父母) when you leave (离) home for school.A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Good morning 8. How are you?_,A. How are youB. Fine, thank you C. Thank you9. Youre Peter, right? _. Im Nick. A. Yes B. Not C. No 10. How are you, Miss Wang? _. A. Hello B. Fine, thank you C. Yes, Im Wang Ping. . 情景交际。A)从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的句子。III()1. Lets play a game.A. Yes, I am.()2. Whats your name?B. Nick.()3. Youre Lily, right?C. Im fine.()4. How are you?D. Nice to meet you, too.()5. How do you do?E. OK.()6. Nice to meet you!F. Thats OK.()7. Thank you. G. Goodbye.()8. Goodbye.H. They are my classmates.()9. Is she your mother?I. How do you do?()10. Who are they?J. No, she isnt.B)从下列方框中选出所缺句子,将其序号填入横线上。A: Hi, good morning! B: 11 Andy. A: How are you today? B: 12 , thank you. 13 A: 14 B: Goodbye, Andy. A: 15 A. Goodbye. B. And you? C. Good morning! D. Im fine. E. Im fine, too. . 下列各题中均有一处错误,请找出并订正。1. Whats you name? My names Simon. 2. I amnt Millie. Im Amy. 3. Are you Li Long? Yes, Im. 4. I am fine. How is you? 5. Simon and I am both middle school students. . 按要求句型转换,每空一词。 1. They are from England. (否定句) They _ _ England. 2. All my classmates are from Jiangsu Province. (一般疑问句) _ all _ classmates from Jiangsu Province? 3. My name is Simon. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your name? 4. She is a student. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ a student? _, she _. 5. Im fine. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you? . 完形填空。 Andy and Lily are students of No.27 Middle School. Nick is new.(Andy=ALily=LNick=N)A: Hello! Lily!L: _1_! Andy.A: How are you?L: Fine, than you. _2_?A: Im fine, _3_.L: Look at the boy over there with (带)a box, who _4_ he?A: Lets go and say (说) _5_ to him.L: _6_, Im Lily, This is Andy, Whats your name?N: My name is _7_, Nice to meet you.A&L: _8_ to meet you!A: Let me help you carry (搬) the _9_.N: _10_!( ) 1. A. GoodbyeB. See youC. helloD. Hello( ) 2. A. And youB. Are youC. Am ID. Is he( ) 3. A. twoB. TooC. tooD. Two( ) 4. A. am B. isC. areD. be( ) 5. A. good nightB. helloC. goodbyeD. good evening( ) 6. A. hiB. HiC. NoD. hello( ) 7. A. Nick B. AndyC. LucyD. Lily( ) 8. A. goodB. NiceC. niceD. Nick( ) 9. A. booksB. treeC. boxD. water( ) 10. A. GoodbyeB. ByeC. ThankD. Thank you 参考答案. A) 1. today 2. right 3. evening 4. Hello 5. What B) 6. Mrs 7. morning 8. name 9. Goodbye 10. Yes . 15 C C B B A 610 C A B C B . A)15 E B A C I 610 D F G J H B) 1115 C D B E A . 1. youyour 2. amntam not 3. ImI am 4. isare 5. amare . 1. arent from 2. Are; your 3. What is 4. Is she; Yes; is 5. How are . 15 D A C B B 610 B A B C D 配套练习. 写出下列字母的相邻字母。_B_, _C_, E_G, D_F, _F_, _I_, _K_, _e_m_, _ j_, _h_. 写出下列单词的大写形式或小写形式。1. bag _2. mall _3. beef _4. egg _5. ill _6. kill _7. game _8. MOON _9. GOOD _10. HILL _11. ACHE _12. MAKE _13. NAME _14. LOOK _15. BED _. 判断下列字母是否相邻(相邻的打“”,不相邻的打“”。)1. BD( )2. FG( )3. MN( )4. KM( )5. HL( )6. JK( )7. CF( )8. df( )9. gh( )10. ij( ). 判断下列字母是否含有相同的元音音素(相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。)1. AB( )2. DE( )3. CE( )4. MN( )5. IJ( )6. GJ( )7. FL( )8. AH( )9. LN( )10. CJ( ). 找出与其它字母含有元音音素不同的选项。
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