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被动式在英语,尤其在科技英语文体中中广泛使用。除了用be+动词分词”,还用其他形 式表现(冯树鉴,1995: 126)。一英语被动式表达1) 名词名词后缀-ee表示动作的承受者,是被动的。trainee受训者employee 雇员addressee 收件人2) 形容词以-able,-ible结尾的形容词,以及由过去分词转换的形容词,大多数含被动意义。visible stars看得见的星星navigable rivers可通航的河流 exchangable 可更换的 the accused 被告 the wounded 负伤者3) 介词短语in question 正被谈论的on show 上映past recovery 无法康复under discussion 在讨论中under repair 正在修理中beyond control 无法控制near completion 即将竣工4) 动词(1) 在及物动词need, want, require, deserve, stand等后面,可接主动形式的动名词表达被动 含义。1 This is one of those questions that don t need answering.这是一个不需要回答的问题。(answering=to be answered)(2) 某些不及物动词,如,draw, sell, wash, cook等的主动形式,可表示被动意义。(2) These goods sell like hot cakes. (=are sold)这些货物十分畅销。(3) 表示状态特征的连系动词,如, look, smell, sound, prove, appear等的主动形式表示被动 意义。3 The results proved to be correct.此结果证明是正确的。(4) 不定式的主动形式有时也表示被动意义4 These small houses are to let at low rental.这些小屋将以低价出租。5 His masterpiece eventually got translated into ten languages.他的杰作终于被译成十种文字。二.汉语的被动式表达汉语虽然较多使用主动式。但被动式的表达法还是有一些的。例如, 被:被打,被杀;叫:叫人说得一文不值;给:给他打了;挨:挨打;遭:遭劫;遭灾;受:受骗;受压迫;由:由人宰割让:让人摆弄;为所;被所;让给;在古汉语中,表示被动式的还有:完全不用:飞鸟尽,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹一一史记越王勾践世家见:表示被动,相当于“被” be+过去分词不见保。一一孟子梁惠王上见犯乃死。一一汉书李广苏建传诚恐见欺。史记廉颇蔺相如列传悲独见病。唐柳宗元柳河东集又如:见笑于人;见重于当时;见执(被捉拿);见罔(被诬陷枉屈);见害(被害);见款(承蒙款待)于:在被动句中,引进动作、行为的主动者,相当于“被” by不拘于时。一一唐韩愈师说苦于多疾。宋苏轼教战守伤于缚者。清方苞狱中杂记择于自然。一一清薛福成观巴黎油画记劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。治于人者食人,治人者食于人,天下之通义也。战国孟轲孟子吃:表示被动,用法同“被” -ed by。如:吃惊受怕(受惊骇);吃孽(遭殃);吃板子(挨板子);吃拳 (被拳打);吃笑(被耻笑)栾廷玉须不是三头六臂,直恁惧怕他,日间吃他打败,夜间又要提防。一一明施耐庵古 本水浒传三被动式的翻译法1)被动式译成被动式6 Robert was dismissed by the boss of the factory.罗伯特被工厂的老板开除了。2)被动式译成主动式7 The result of the invention of the steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸气机发明的结果是,机械力代替了人力。8 Seamless tubes without joins are made in various ways.可用不同方法制造没有接缝的无缝管。9 Friction can be reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by lubrication.润滑能减少摩擦,延长机器寿命。10 Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter, which in turn, may be created from energy.现代科学的发展得出这样的结论:物质可以产生能,能又可以产生物质。11 In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart.在中央火车站午后的旅客洪流中,他一眼瞥见了丽莉巴特小姐的身影,顿时觉得眼 目清新,精神为之一振。评析:原句细致生动,传达一个男青年对一年轻女子的感觉。原文用了被动式his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart,但是译者把内在主语拉出来,对 refresh 和 sight做了发挥,使译文十分传神。四.被动式在语篇中的翻译12 As oil is found deep in the ground its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rocks structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called a “derrick. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are allowed into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves.因为石油深埋在地下,靠研究地面,不能确定石油的有无。因此,对地下岩层结构必须进行 地质勘探。如果认为某地区的岩层含有石油,就在该处安装“钻机”钻机中最显眼的部件 叫做“井口铁架”。井架用来吊升分节油管,把油管放入由钻头打入的孔中。当孔钻成时, 放入钢管防止孔壁坍塌。如发现石油,则在油管顶部紧固地加盖,使石油通过一系列阀门流 出。评析:这一段英文126个单词,含14个谓语动词,使用了 13个被动语态。译文皆做了巧妙 的转换,大都变成无主语句,避免使用“被”、“受”等字眼,更为自然(毛荣贵,2005)。本节练习1. 转化成主动结构,保留原来主语1 The article had been translated into English, but with little elegance to speak of .2 The decision cannot be delayed, not even for a single day.3 The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated2. 转化成主动结构,主语变成宾语4 China s presence is felt, more than ever, all over the world , assuming historic dimensions in the world political situation.5 It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.3. 习惯语结构6 It was rumoured that the dinner had been planned to please Lawrence.7 It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.8 It was believed that a loose meeting like this could hardly come to any important decisions.4. 译成被动语态9 Hitler was also washed away by the storms of history.10 Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory.11 He got observed two days after his arrival.12 The plan was especially supported by those who wished to have more exposure to the literary theory.5. “为所”被动结构13 Mother is a sentimental woman. Her heart is good and easily moved by tears and frailty.14 The right of asylum may not be involved by any person guilty of a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity.15 He was forced by family circumstances to leave school at sixteen.6其他被动译法16 She was criticized in front of everyone.17 Most letters from his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital.18 Every country will be represented by its prime minister.第九节数字和倍数
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