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小学一年级拼音阅读试卷一、正确认读下列声母、韵母和整体认读音节。pq ii ui io jijin ynn yunyn chc jnyu qunqi二、正确认读下列音节。hi u din dng mi hu yn jing shu png yng gung zh sn dxinghi xing kui l hn du kng qu gng yun li gu xio nio gu zhng r nao zho m cng nng shu wn xu zh xi pio li tinkng jn du xun chun hu hng de fng y 三、读句子。(1) w de b b sh yu xi fi xn yun。(2) wn hn h xio mn sh du ho pn you。(3) z xun shn chnl de dn xi zhn du !(4) Xi tin do le,xio sh i w men chn ki l sdexio sn.(5)y kn zhn yun yun de yu lin xin y pn.四、读儿歌。bgtushngycmo,xqushnchunhibixn,wychunzhehi wi to,shnjwibdihulng。附送:2019年小学一年级攀登英语Level1BUnitTeaching aims(教学目标):1)能够跟随节奏说唱童谣,并根据童谣内容加上合适的动作。2)能使用“Can I help you?”向他人提供帮助并能做出适当的回答。Key points(教学重点):让学生使用“Can I help you?”向他人提供帮助并能做出适当的回答。Difficult points(教学难点):让学生使用“Can I help you?”向他人提供帮助并能做出适当的回答。Teaching aids (教学准备) :课堂学习VCD、吸铁石(8个)、小指偶(6个)、迪斯尼VCD、So good印章Teaching procedures(教学步骤):Step. Warm up 1. GreetingT: Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon, Alison.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Say “Hello!” to our teachers, please. Ok, wonderful. Sit down, please.T: Who wants to be a reporter?Reporter: Hello, everybody. I am . I am the reporter. Today is Wednesday. Its a sunny day. X and X are not here, because they are sick.T: How about the reporter? Good or very good or wonderful?Ss: Good./ Very good./ Wonderful.T: Ok. Good./ Very good./ Wonderful. Wele our CEO Lucy. Big hands.2. We Can ShowCEO: Hello, everybody. I am Lucy. I am the CEO.Ss: Nice to meet you.CEO: Nice to meet you, too.CEO: First, lets sing a song . The first row, you show. Run here, quickly. Stand in a row. Introduce yourselves, please.Row: Hello. I am / I am the group leader.Ss: Hello.CEO: (Sing, sing, sing a song) One two go.Row: Perform CEO: How about this row? Good or very good or wonderful?Ss: Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!CEO: Ok, Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful! X stars for you. (Add stars on the blackboard.)CEO: How about them? Who is the best?S1: Let me try.CEO: S1, you say.S1: X is the best.CEO: Why?S1: Because he/ she sang the song loudly/ clearly.CEO: Ok. Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful! Sit down, please.CEO: How about them? Good or not good?(坐在位置上观看的同学)Row: Good./ Not good.CEO: Ok. Good./ Not good. One two.Row: Thank you.CEO: Please go back. CEO: Second, lets make a dialogue. (Lily: How old are you? Andy: Im seven. How about you? Lily: Im seven, too. ) Who can try? Sunny, you try. Oscar, you try. e here. Sunny ask and Oscar answer.Ss: (Dialogue)CEO: Now change.Ss: (Dialogue)CEO: Stand in a row. You first, you second.S1: How about me? Good or very good or wonderful?Ss: Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!CEO: Ok. Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!S2: How about me? Good or very good or wonderful?Ss: Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!CEO: Ok. Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!CEO: One two.S1 S2: Thank you.CEO: Please go back.T: Thank you our CEO. You are wonderful.Step. Songs and Chants 1. Watch and Listen(once)T: Boys and girls, its time for Songs and Chants. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Now just watch and listen carefully.Evaluation (Add the stars to the best groups on the blackboard.)2. Follow(once)T: Now follow loudly with no actions.Evaluation (Add the stars to the best groups on the blackboard.)3. Perform(twice)T: Lets perform the song. Ok?Ss: Ok. We Sing We Do in the seat.(T: Stand up please!) Take turns to sing this song ( T: One group two sentences)Apple Group: Listen, listen, listen to the song. Dance, dance, dance in the town. Ok, you. (Point to the Pear Group)Pear Group: Louder, louder, e to sing the song. Faster, faster, dance in the down. Ok, you. (Point to the Banana Group)Banana Group: Listen, listen, listen to the song. Dance, dance, dance in the town. Ok, you. (Point to the Strawberry Group)Strawberry Group: Louder, louder, e to sing the song. Faster, faster, dance in the down. (Together)All: Listen, listen, dance, dance, such a lot of fun!Evaluation (Add the stars to the best groups on the blackboard.)Step . Everyday English T: Ok. Its time for everyday English of the third day.1. Listen and Repeat (once)Evaluation (Add the stars to the best groups on the blackboard.)2. Follow (once)Evaluation (Add the stars to the best groups on the blackboard.)3Group work (五至六人一组,一人问,其余答,轮流问,直至每人都有单独操练英语的机会,提示组长带书。)T: Boys and girls, look here. I have six friends. This is Group Leader. This is student 1. This is student 2.
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