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三门初级中学2020学年(上)九年级期末考试英语试题温馨提示:1、试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟,共7大题,77小题,共8页;2、所有答案都写在答卷纸上,写在试卷上无效;听力部分(25分)一、听力。本部分有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分。第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片,对话读一遍。( )1. How does Lily study for an English test ?A. B. C.( )2. How did the woman use to get to school?A B. C.( )3. What is Jack allowed to do ? A B. C.( )4. Where are the two speakers talking now?A. B. . ( )5. Why will the boy be late for the party?A. B. C.第二节:听长对话,回答问题, 对话读两遍.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6至8三小题。( )6. Why does the woman not like her roommate?A. Because she is too noisy. B. Because she is too ugly. C. Because she is too dirty.( )7. What does the man suggest her doing?A. Talking with her about it. B. Leaving her alone. C. Telling her parents about it.( )8. Who is she going to complain to about it?A. The teacher. B. The manager. C. The headmaster.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第9到10 三小题( )9. Where is the woman going?A. Her home.B. Her office. C. A dinner party.( )10. When is the woman probably starting?A. 3 pmB. 2 pmC. 5 pm第三节:听独白,请根据提问从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。The work place11._The way of sending the letter12. by_His feeling about the job13. _The activity when he saw the dog14. _What the dog did finally 15. _( )11. A. In a post office B. In a hospital C. In a police station( )12. A. Bike B. Bus C. Car( )13. A. Sad and easy B. Easy and interesting C. Excited and easy( )14. A. Quickly threw the letter on the ground B. Ran away with the letter C .Quickly threw the letter to the dog( )15. A. The dog carried the letter into the house B. The dog rushed at him C. The dog threw it away with its mouth.笔试部分(95分)二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)( )16. The underlined part in the word “deaf” is pronounced as _. A. /e/ B. / i:/ C. /ei/ D. /I/( )17. -On summer nights the weather is usually very hot. -Yes, so I often go to sleep _ the windows _. A. with, onB. have, open C. with, openD. with, closed ( )18. -Excuse me, I want to buy some food. Where can I find a supermarket? -I know _ not far from here. You can easily find _. A. that ; it B. it; oneC. one; it D. one; one( )19. We dont know _, maybe in the afternoon. A. why will we start B. how we will start it C. when we will start D. where we will go( )20. Could you please give me some advice _ studying English?. A. in B. on C. at D. with ( )21. -Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Mr Smith in his office. -Morning. You _ be Mr Jones. This way, please. A. can B. must C. shouldD. may( )22. This shop is the one _ sells mens clothes. A. what B. where C. which D. in which( )23. -Are you pleased with the result of the math exam? -Not at all. I cant have _ one. A. a worseB. a betterC. the best D.the worst ( )24. . Over the years I have collected five _ foreign stamps, _ of them are from the USA.A. hundred; two hundreds B. hundred; two hundredC. hundreds of; two hundred D. hundreds; two hundreds ( )25. -Could you be so kind as to close the door? -_. A. With pleasure B. Go ahead C. Yes, please D. Thats OK 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now heres a true story of an American girl, Sarah. 26 she left university, she began to live in New York City on her own. She 27 a job in a publishing(出版) house, but the salary was 28 $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah 29 live on her salary and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that 30 in one of the most expensive cities in the world?Cheap living 31 starts with keeping the big cost small. For most people, that 32 housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was 33 , When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants. 34 she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then 35 the chicken bones home and made soup out of them. Nowadays, young people often 36 a lot of money on entertainment. But Sarah said,” I enjoy walking 37 in New York City. I love going to museums and parks.”Did Sarah feel poor 38 cheap living? Not really. She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands
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