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Unt Nine: How to rwOlTEXT COMPREHENSINV. Expan i ur w words t fllwing ences taken rom th tt.1. Theother thing suldaoi s beig eotinally tahedto yong eople,rom wom ne hestra nergy and vgr2. and i ithis ara of imperson intrests (sucas acdemic aistic interet) that th ism yuhav acmlated in our life can be pracid witout uting ayprsure o yor chldre andgracildre.LNUAGWOKI. Exan the underlnd art i each senc i your ow wrds.) Atuh tmy paren didyong,I hve oe ell in ts respectas eas otheranctos wtference o/eating to2). O reoter ancstors I can onlydisover ne o did otive toa ra age, and edid of a disesewhih nw rare, namely, havnghis head cutoff. ancetrs wholived a lg timeao; speiically3). Sh used orete how se metiIaly aneldeygleman hoas lookg ysadtl). I have senty-tw grandhildren, and if I wee sadach ime I parte romone f tem, I shuldve a dsmal existence! bid farwel to/wre sepratedf; a mserable lf ). neverd anyhi whater o te gud that it i oodfor hl, togh n actu ac hthngs I kedogar mostly whoesom the eontat;ealtfu6). Psychologcll there ae wongers t be guarded aganst n old e. e shld prevent from hppning/w old wth ou fo7). . you are likely t beco a ude o tem,unls ty ae nsully allous.heartls/infeent8). n the yungther is a justifcation fthis feeing. good reason). And if, wit th decayofvtality,weness icreass, h thouht of rest ilobeunwelcome. dss10) The est wayo vercoeit . s o ake your ineress gradllyweandmomprsna, nt bi byit the wallsof the ego eced, and ou ifebeomesincreasigly ergd in the univesal le.hat dtiguishesyour own slf rom other grdualy diappear r becomes less and less distinct; becmesincringln wi/beces neangy bleded wit4Exlaithe meg of the underlned t achsete.) We w itt our deseantsto la em ala word toliv i.ftur eneraoscildren an granchildr). tinn iw need any dcorating ll get it doe profssionaly. b kille people3). Her absorptin in her work i o reat that shthnk a nthing lse. erssmnn,or preocupaion with hr ork). ntued rapid groth nconsumr spening wil sucin me importsraw iurge 5).Im not verygodheeoney snerned. whealiwth ony). axayers sho caim as many llowable expenssas ossible aginst teir taxe income epesowhcnoaxes arepid7).Heractions wee quite jstfiablin th cirumsance Thwasa god reason f he actos8)He won be ond until hs upteryonin e fe.satisfed9) Onhiswallhe haa poster oail Moroe, her ips frvr pate i aicipato. parated/open0). Isspete heats the taxman.avois payin taxsb using ilegamhTRANSLATO. Translte tfolloigsentence o Eih, usinthe word orphraegve in baces.1) 她与他在一起生活度日艰难。(exsenc) he ha hadexisene wit hm2).至于你刚刚提出旳问题,我将此外撰文回答。(regard) readstqeos yo raiejust no, I wllnwr m in aothrticle.) 这听起来也许很无情,但我才不在乎他与否无家可归呢。(callous)t mightsud callus,u I dontcre if hesmeles.4). 他对老板旳尊敬几乎到了低声下气旳地步。(abjec)H s almost bjetin hs rset or h oss.5). 痛苦旳记忆徐徐从她脑海里消退。(recede) The painful memregadally eceedin h min6). 我们应当避免对他们旳挑衅作出过度旳反映。(guar aaint) We shoud uar agint vereatios o heir roocaion ) 你最佳关怀关怀自己旳事而不是我旳事!(conrn onef wth) Yod bettr oern yourself with yourw businessand nt mine!8).该影片是一部有益旳家庭娱乐剧。(whosome) Th il is gd holesome faiyetertainment9). 学校中断了给那位学生提供旳助学金,理由是他去年旳成绩不够好。(on hegron tha) Th univerit has stppering fiacal uppo to th student onthe gountathispeormacein te ast yar was t oo enoug.10) 为了协助那些国有小公司渡过经济危机,政府把它们合并成为一家大公司。(merg) The gvrment mered tse sallstate-nd fms into large copny in ordetohelp hem ue he conomic cris.II. Traslatete oloin psaeintEnglis.My mohe, ed now his wod but stl roaming fee in my md, aes e s moningseforeara. “If teres ne hng I ant stand,ts a quitte.” hav hear he ay tat all m life.o, lying ned, comin aake ithe rk, I eethe uy of her enryitng the good-fo-othig dler ithim howants to
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