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课时提能练(十四) 必修3Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the starsA:知识层面.语境语法填空A(考查派生词)The 1existence (exist) of terrorism lets the world not be stable. Terrorist activities, many of which are linked to 2religious (religion) extremism, have resulted in a 3global (globe) disaster. They not only bring threat to the safety of human but have an 4harmful (harm) effect on economic growth. Many people are forced to flee their homes because of growing fears of terrorist 5violence (violent). All governments are paying great attention to this issue, but to stop terrorism is indeed a 6systematic (system) project, which requires effort, wisdom and cooperation.B(考查动词)The river is being polluted with many factories 7existing (exist) on both of its sides. Dead fish have been found 8floating (float) on the surface of the water. Unknown bacteria 9are multiplying (multiply) fast along the river, which might be a potential risk to peoples health. However, what 10puzzles (puzzle) the local government most is how to deal with the relationship between economic development and environmental protection. They want to take action 11to pull (pull) down some of the factories, but they fear that this may cause the local economy 12to crash (crash) and then bring impacts on employment.C(考查句型)At a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times 13the size of Great Britain. Its population is also twice 14what it was 50 years ago. Nigeria is abundant in oil, which makes 15it possible to become Africas No.1 economy. Chinese people are pouring into this country. The number of Chinese tourists to Nigeria is five times as large 16as it used to be. Now 17that you have got a chance to visit it, why not go to appreciate its charming scenery and unique culture?.根据提示补全句子 1火车将于今天上午十点到北京。The train is to arrive in Beijing at 10 oclock this morning.2一切都取决于她是否喜欢这个工作。It all depends on whether she likes the job or not3他现在从事什么样的工作对他的家庭来说很重要。What job he is doing now is very important to his family.4他太矮了,够不着桌子上的苹果。He was too short to reach the apples on the table.5我看见他过了马路,进入一家书店。I saw him cross the street and enter a bookstore.B:能力层面.阅读理解AUnsolved Mysteries About the Planet EarthMystery 1:Where did all the water come from?Water covers 70 percent of Earths surface and earns it the nickname “the blue planet”And where did the water come from? The most popular scientific theory states that the H2O arrived in the form of several violent asteroids(小行星)filled with ice.Another suggests that the water actually has been around since Earths formation.However it happened,though,its certainly worked out well for Earths life forms.Mystery 2:What about all the oxygen?Another thing is the planets oxygen.Tiny creatures released oxygen as a waste product,filling the atmosphere with it.After that,the level of oxygen in Earths atmosphere went wildly up and down until it finally calmed down around 540 million years ago.Since then,its remained at about the breathable level we experience today.But what caused it to be suddenly steady?Mystery 3:What caused the Cambrian(寒武纪的)explosion?The Cambrian explosion refers to the explosion of complex life that occurred on the Earth about 540 million years ago.Before then,life had consisted mostly of bacteria.But at the beginning of the Cambrian period,complex creatures began developing at a rate never before seen.Suddenly,life forms had brains,eyes,and bones.Most creatures that are alive today can trace their blood back to the Cambrian period.Mystery 4:Will we ever be able to predict earthquakes?We still havent been able to come up with a way to accurately predict earthquakes.We can certainly try,but our current technology cannot predict them exactly.We know that earthquakes start when rocks crack underground and send earthquake waves toward the surface,but we havent figured out why that happens,or how to predict it.【语篇解读】本文介绍了四个关于地球的未解之谜,它们分别是:水来自哪里?氧气又来自哪里?是什么导致了寒武纪生命大爆发?我们能够预测地震吗?1What was created later by creatures on the Earth?AWater.BBacteria.COxygen.DIce.C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“Tiny creatures released oxygen as a waste product”可知,地球上的生物后来创造了氧气。2Which of the following talks about the Earths advanced species?AMystery 1BMystery 2CMystery 4DMystery 3D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Most creatures that are alive today can trace their blood back to the Cambrian period”可知,奥秘3谈论了地球上先进的物种。3What do we know about Mystery 4?AIt is a matter that has extremely practical significance.BIt will be solved in the near future.CIt is the most difficult to solve of the four.DIt is the oldest mystery of the four.A推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,奥秘4是关于我们是否能够预测地震,结合生活实际可知,这是一件非常有实际意义的事。BMercury (水星) is the closest planet to the sun.It is a planet slightly larger than the Earths moon.It is covered with craters.Some craters have ice in them,even though the planet is hot.Sunlight never touches some parts of it because of the planets special p
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