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英文求职信四篇 时间过得可真快,从来都不等人,我们找工作的时间就要到来,这时是不是该好好写一封求职信了呢?那么优秀的求职信都是怎么写的呢?以下是我为大家收集的英文求职信4篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。英文求职信 篇 ear si am: elo! setly apprated haoucn share ou time to remy self-evation ndintroducio lettr. mynmeis ,majrig n automaion, n i am gnt radatfrom xxx ueiy inxxxxxxx. atfour-year srd study, i ave ossesd he quality tobe a qualfed graduate for-year hadwrkig arms wthsoid specialized nowlede w, i ve mateed theasic ngh skill: lisning, spaing, rding, wrin nd translto;and as hve a kowledg ofcopr mre, extsive cmputer studyin anenishlearnig hasbodened my mnd, and gie theoerto e capaleof relevnt ok. wi omsery of secializedknowled, ao deveopedmyelf in alund way. inodert ostr mymangerial, cordinate and copertive ality, hav dne sme parttimeoinern jb n my cllgli, suchawrking as etwokeginer n arivalcpan, a abaeegnein my cllage.i ave not onlydonea oodjob ut aso haeland ot fromuch eriens.英文求职信 篇2 敬启者: 顷阅今日XX报,得悉贵公司聘请职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参与应征。我于三年前,毕业于某高校外文系,自信能符合贵公司征求精通英文之要求。 本人除在高校主修英文外,并在A贸易公司担当秘书工作历三年之久。 另谋他职的主要缘由,是希望从较大的贸易公司如贵公司工作,能获得更多的工作阅历,就以我所受的教化与阅历,物来在贵公司工作会有助益。 兹随函附履历表、毕业证书及高校校长举荐函各一件,倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感谢。 xx启a Sr, re yourrtisemen in toys newaper rgardngaancy in u ffice,Iishtply fortheosti ofsnior lrk, whichyou hv pefd I fel cnfidnt thI ca mt you secial requireets idicatng thathecndate mut have a high comad of Enish, for I guted fomtheEngls LanguaeDepartentof _ niverity hree years ago n aition to ystudyof Englih whiin thUnrsty, hav workd for thre yas ecretary n he firmof BC TradingCo. Lt.The mi reson for haning m employmen is t ganmoe exeriee wi asuerior tradng compny likeurs. I eiveh my edcaion n exeiece illproveusefu f wrk in ouroice. am nclosingmy prsn hitoy, crificate gaduationand ter orcomendtion frm the residen of t Uversty, Iallbeoliged f you ll ve e aprsona iteriew t yuoneniece. ery rly our,英文求职信 篇3Dr SirMadam: ankyou ery mh for skimming my leter n your busy time. A I mver apprect han you steed oay woul vemeanpportunty. Fistplese low o ntroduce mysl. y Eglis ame s Cathy. I amth graua stue inori Clee o Jinsu Univy of cince adTcholgy. I earnthat your compn irecuiting now. I amcnfient tat fou yer f unvrsty study thesci ptcecanhlpme toap for h posiionn our comany. I ave a solid theoetcal foundation euse f the our yers of nglis larning The anal internsip eperenc mke me frotery to racice, alhh I ae no frmal wrkeperiene HowevrI amsu tht ave ceraindgree derstadn of frein trade ostsnd the tanatn wor. And bieve that hve a strng learnn ailt, and an completel adap t he ne ork in a short tm.Udethe teacrsstict teachig and m sonal effot, I havfrmd a slidfudtion ofprofesson owledge, atered th buiness Elshknowedge. At th theparetme Ilo ciely rad te pfin nowedg of therelevant espape amagazi,udrtinge nw eoomisituatn,ad nialyave a goo cm English basic communiation and trnslaton abliy. In addition, as ivel paticiae ncommunity activtes advolutee erviceactivties, ak art nth Engish spech ntest, tnsaion contest, Englihnguwters an nish bthe me,also ivolvein the straberry Msic Fesival, terinferryand othr lrge ctivities of the olnteer ctiiie. Thes prati allo eo cecmynowleg, ad lso mat hv he strongabilityof anaysi olingprlems, ad akeme oreonfidentad mature. Self-cnfidence d persverance is my inciple,ancalm dotimism is he atitude f way. have the codce nd hoe to ge he pprtunity o wok i your cmpany. Attacha brie resume. Thak yo gain fror concern for me Lo fowar tou rply Sincerly,英文求职信 篇4 Eri Go Hee UnirsityofTechnoloy() 1 Tux Road He 23000Anui P.Rof Cina Jnuary6, 20xx Mr.Gerar Brer Magr o Hmn sourcesllenInvesmen sc.1023 olliAve. Pilde, 1912 Dar r. Bergr: I amfidnt th I msuable for te kind of j o aeadvrsi XX epostion eems tofit er welwithy eductin, experience andcaer itet.Accrding t the
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