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外国人邀请函范文官方邀请函,首先需要邀请单位,在当地(区)外事办公室申领申请外国人入境审批表(见附件),并如实填写。那么外国人邀请函范文该怎么写呢下面是小编为大家整理的外国人邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。 外国人邀请函范文篇一 me of your omany:Pla o yr ompany:Tel:IationDear Sror adam,We heeby cor thawilitourcmpany Nantong from buiness coorai.We hereby kly oe youcou issu him apoper Visa.Here arispersnal ate::Famly am:Fir nae:Dae of ith:Plce f it:Natonality:PaspotnssortpiryPofessinWe herewithkdly eqest te ha Embassy d heGovernmen offcias supporti aplication rantng the ruired eenr visa. We ok forwa towelcomingankyuvermuch!Vertrulu,ameJob itlCompan name (then sgnaurend chop)外国人邀请函范文篇二 5t Octobe,20X(时间)aren Lew(被邀请人姓名)152ts RRated QLD 4106(被邀请人通信地址)Dear Ka: (以下是正文了,说明邀请原因及大概的到访、停留、离开时间)PPSDlian, Cin wold ike toiniteyou to vi ou manufacturigplat Ocoe forunsseeti.Wewul beliged i you cul arriv aroudt 18thctobe and eavaiable or approximaely days, parting on 2th, Octobe, 202X.I look forardo cachig p with you n yuarrivl toia.Knd regard,ZhangXoieneral ne, PP ih Co, Ld 外国人邀请函范文篇三 er Mr.Harrin:Ounew factory wllbecommecingroucion o pil 10 and we shu liketo inite ou nd yourif to be preen at acelbatio tomak th ccasion.syo ill prciatetisis n mportant iletone for thisrganizion, d is the rst f ontind demnd for ourprducts,bt a hoe ndvereas.Wae invtig allthoe npiduals adtrst at yu will pay s t opment ofacctinPleaeconfiratyu l beabl toate by adviin sof your me wecan rrangefr you to betA arangentsyor ayvenighnil 1wil, of cous, be madby us a our xnYrs faithfll,
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