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欢迎外国友人欢迎词共3篇迎接外国友人的欢迎标语下面是我整理的欢迎外国友人欢迎词共3篇 迎接外国友人的欢迎标语,供大家品鉴。欢迎外国友人欢迎词共1Hello, dear friend from the guide company is named future and own five members: sinven, Elizabeth, apple, liyn, to your requirement, we had made a five days tour plan for your journey of the first, Ill lead you visit Beijing, which is the capital of is one of the historical and cultural ancient cities, with the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and some other ancient , if you want to know the long history of china, you must visit great wall will be our first stop on our tour of great wall as one of the great wonders of the world has a history of over thousand s not only the significant architecture of human beings, but also the sole of ll take the tourist bus which is the main vehicles of our five days tutor to the great wall, which will take us nearly two , before going to the great wall, we must take our baggage to the capital airport hotel are two different rooms is single room for 336 yuan a light, another is double room for 298 yuan a more, there is plenty of special foods, like Beijing roast duck, candied haws on a stick ,quick-boiled tripe , miscellaneous noodles and so , my mouse is watering, are you?欢迎外国友人欢迎词共2接待外国友人的欢迎词英语是分布面积最广的语言,并且是世界第二最多母语,仅次于汉语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家中的官方语言或官方语言之一。我们接待外国友人应使用英文的欢迎词。下面是我为大家精心整理的接待外国友人的欢迎词,希望能给您带来帮助。接待外国友人的欢迎词 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school! Now let me introduce something about the changes that have taken place in our cla. We used to listen and take notes in cla, but had no time to think for we were not interested in the leons, we often felt sleepy while school we had to finish much homework, unable to have some sports. However, things are different the help of computers, the leons are so lively and interesting that the students are active to answer the questions instead of falling a result, we have made greater progre than before, though we spend le time doing our we can enjoy ourselves after cla. The good teaching method is popular with all of will try our best to study even harder. Thats you! 接待外国友人的欢迎词 A Group of American Teachers to Be Welcomed Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our are glad to have such a group of experienced teachers visiting are sure the exchange of views among us will promote the friendly relationship between China and hope you will enjoy your stay in China, make new friends and take away memories of pleasant, productive your visit,we sincerely hope you will give us your valuable 接待外国友人的欢迎词welcome to xxx university. i am so pleasured to say that from today you will become a member of our big everyone, entering university means a new chapter of your life, and will leave one of the most exciting phases in your memory. it will not only bring valuable opportunities for you to extend the knowledge and skills, to develop new friendships, but also a neceary preparation to face the real society. our xxx university has undergone 64 hard years of the idea of running a university withcherishing talents and embracing diversity and excellence,we has formed its distinguishing features of running a university with comprehensive subjects and integrates talents. in order to improve the cultural exchange as well as the co-operation among the medcial universitys in goble,the foreign students education program is being conducted, which is fully in english medium, to creat a favorable learning atmosphere for foreign have invitied the qualified teachers from a number of countries with multiple cultures and will continue to bring more foreign teachers for goal is to provide the high quality education,advanced teaching equipments,co-operative administration and innovative teaching methodology. we sincerelywelcomeinternational friends,experts and scholars to teach or exchange at xxx universityandspreadtheseedsof ,we welcome foreign students to study here and appreciate chinas civilition with a history of 5,000 oriental civilized nation welcome you,marvelous xxx welcome you,xxx university welcome you.欢迎外国友人欢迎词共3抢救外国友人DEHGAN2023年11月13日14时30分,一名外国人被匆匆送进我院急诊科。当时患者神志恍惚、烦躁不安,呼吸浅慢、微弱,口唇、面色及全身皮肤紫绀,躯干部可见斑片状皮疹,血压180/100mmHg,心率150次/分,急测血氧饱和度为70%。接诊护士李俊梅主管护师立即通知刘西权主任、徐宁护士长,同时值班医生李超医师,陈淑霞护士长,李俊梅主管护师等立即对病人实施清除口咽部分泌物,开放气道,面罩吸氧,开放静脉通道,应用激素、抗组织胺、平喘等抢救药物及持续心电监护等急救措施,值班医生李超医师用流利的英语与病人的英语翻译进行及时沟通,英语翻译再与波斯翻译沟通,以了解病人的自觉症状的改善情况。在刘主任的指挥下,大家争分夺秒、全力抢救,约14时45分患者病情明显好转,神志转清,憋喘减轻,转入急诊监护病房继续治疗。病人转入监护病房后,病情再次出现变化,心率110次/分,血压82/50mmHg,脉搏血氧饱和度78%,病人四肢末梢凉,寒战。徐宁护士长带领郭霞、辛宏主管护师立即给病人采取保暖措施,并不停的给病人按摩四肢,以促进末梢血液循环,在沟通困难的情况下利用非语言交流的方法体贴、关心病人,给予病人安慰、鼓励,消除其紧张、恐惧心理。密切观察病情,及时执行医嘱,并做好患者同行伙伴的安慰解释工作。17时患者血压回升至120/80mmHg,心率76次/分,脉搏血氧饱和度98%,患者病情好转、自感舒适。夜间徐宁护士长安排杜红护师特别照护此病人。病人夜间病情平稳。经了解,患者名字叫DEHGAN,为伊朗辛迪加公司工作人员,中国中材高新材料股份有限公司客户,来我市赛特电磁线厂洽谈业务,患者原有哮喘病史,与11月13日中午在酒店饮酒并进食海鲜后出现支气管哮喘急性发作并窒息而来我院,我科医护人员在刘主任的领导指挥下全力抢救,患者转危为安。11月14日清晨,病人病情痊愈,办理出院手续。病人及他的同胞伙伴委托翻译给急诊科全体医护人员写了一封真挚的感谢信,并用他们的母语及英语签下了他们的名字。徐宁护士长亲自送病人出院,并针对病人的病情给翻译
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