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英语商务合同的文体特征和翻译技巧 成人高等学历教育毕 业 论 文 英语商务合同的文体特征和翻译技巧 办学单位: 外 国 语 学 院 班 级: 08级外贸英语(专升本) 学 生: 李东磊(501026) 指导教师:蔡苏露 提交日期: 2010 年11 月4 日 封面推荐用230克浅兰色皮纹纸Business English Contracts Literary Style features and Translation TechniqueBy Li Dong LeiSupervisor: Prof. Cai su lu NOV 04, 2010School of Foreign Languages, SCUTAbstractBusiness English Contracts Literary Style features and Translation Technique With the rapid development of international economy and trade,business English contracts have been widely used in international business activities. However, many business economic disputes are caused by the failure in translation of them, so how to translate the business English contract appears more and more significant now Up to now, lots of translators have been dedicated to studying the translation skills of business English contract, but most of them only place emphasis on the literary level of the contract, but ignore its specialty that business English contract, as a legal document, has strict rules and conventional usages of its own, which is different from the average applied texts. So this paper, based on both the linguistic and legal characteristics of business English contract, analyzes its own language features and translation strategies Firstly, the paper analyzes its style characteristics on words, sentence and text levels. Then, the paper summarizes the translation strategies of business English contract and gives advice on its translation methods. Through the above research, the paper hopes to improve translators capability of comprehension and translation of business English contract.Key Words: business English contract; style feature; translation technique摘要英语商务合同的文体特征和翻译技巧 随着中国对外经济贸易的飞速发展,商务英语合同在国际商务活动中使用得越来越广泛。其中不少商务经济纠纷在很大程度上是由于合同翻译失误所引起的,因此,商务英语合同的翻译问题也显得越来越重要。 到目前为止,已有许多翻译工作者致力于商务英语合同的翻译技巧研究。然而大部分的研究都强调从文本的文学方面对商务英语合同的翻译进行研究,而忽略了商务英语合同本身作为一种法律文本,有其严格的规则和惯例,有其独特的特点,因而不同于一般的应用文文体翻译。因此,本文从商务英语合同的文体和法律特征两个方面来分析其自身的特点以及其翻译技巧。 本文首先从商务英语合同的词汇、句子和语篇三个方面分析其用语特征。在此基础之上,第三部分总结归纳出合同翻译的策略,并提出商务英语合同的翻译建议。希望通过本文的分析能够提高翻译工作者对商务英语合同的认知理解和翻译能力。关键词:商务英语合同,文体特征,翻译技巧ContentsAbstract EnglishAbstract Chinese1Introduction2 Literary Style features of Business English Contracts2.1 Lexical Features 2.1.1 Formal Words 2.1.2 Terminologies 2.1.3 Archaic Words 2.1.4 Borrowed Words 2.2 Syntactic Features 2.2.1 Statement Sentence 2.2.2 Passive Voice and Active Voice Sentences 2.2.3 Long and Complex Sentence 2.3 Textual Features 2.3.1 Application of the Legal Format 2.3.2 Parallel Construction3 Translation theory of business contract English 3.1 Translation principles 3.2 Requirements of translators 4 Translation Strategies of Business English Contracts 4.1 Word and its Translation 4.2 Sentence and its Translation 4.3 Text and its Translation 5.Conclusion References 1 Introduction With Chinas entry into WTO and the further deepening and widening of its opening up to the outside world, business cooperation between China and other countries has become more frequently and more contracts are signed in business circles. Most of these contracts are written in English, which has been accepted as an international business language. All this means that the translation of business English contracts is now playing a more important role in the business community both in China and abroad Business English contracts are legal documents which define the obligations and rights of both parties and bind on their economic activities. A good English business contract can improve the quality of business contacts and it is crucial to the success of international business activities. To produce effective business contracts, a deep understanding of the style features of English business contracts, such as the characteristics of English business wording, the phraseology of business contracts and the pragmatics and so on, is needed. The significance of the paper is to promoting the development of international business activity. There are a lot of researchers both at home and abroad study on this field. Business contracts on the foreign field: International Contractsby Shippey. K; English for Contract and Company Lawby Chartrand and Marcella, etc. Among the domestic scholars, “the Lexical Features and Translation of Business English Contract” by Chen Jianping, it discusses and summarizes some basic principles and techniques of business contract English translation. Chen Xinsheng from the point of stylistic of the business contracts analyzes the stylistic features and its translation. Lan Tians International Business Contracts Course, summarizes the techniques of the writing of business contract, the technical terms of the business contract, the lexical features, the unique structure, and so on This paper mainly talks
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