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2022年考博英语-华东政法大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Christines real problem is that she _ confidence.问题1选项A.is lack ofB.is lack inC.lacks forD.lacks of【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。lack of“没有,缺乏;不足,不够”,名词短语;lack in“缺少,在缺少,缺乏”,动词短语。A选项be动词+名词短语作谓语,正确;B选项be动词+动词短语,错误;C选项lack for一般不做固定搭配;D选项lack of名词短语不能当谓语。因此A选项符合题意。2. 单选题I was greatly disappointed _ that affair.问题1选项A.outB.inC.toD.toward【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。be disappointed in“对感到失望”,A选项,C选项以及D选项不和be disappointed搭配。句意:我对那件事非常失望。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题Ms. Breen has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _ with everyone who comes to the store.问题1选项A.acceptedB.admittedC.admiredD.acquainted【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项accepted“公认的;被认可的,被接受的(被大多数人接受的观点是正确的或合理的)”;B选项admitted“公认的;被承认了的(承认自己曾经做过的事情)”;C选项admired“被赞美的;被钦佩的”;D选项acquainted“熟识的;知晓的;有知识的”。句意:布林女士只在城里住了一年,但似乎每个来店里的人都很_她。本句表达“虽然布林女士在城里居住时间不长,但似乎每个来店里的人都很赞美她”,因此C选项正确。4. 单选题To _ freedom against tyranny, our fathers laid down these rules.问题1选项A.ensureB.guaranteeC.assureD.fulfill【答案】C【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项ensure“保证,确保(侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果);使安全”;B选项guarantee“保证;担保(指对事物的品质或人的行为及履行义务、义务等承担责任的保证)”;C选项assure“保证;担保(侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感);使确信;弄清楚”;D选项fulfill“履行;实现;满足;使结束”。句意:为了_反对暴政的自由,我们的先辈制定了这些规则。本句侧重表达“确保达到反对暴政的自由这一目的”。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题I. JurisprudenceMany readers will remember that during the electoral debacle in Florida in 2000, the Rule of Law was invoked at each stage on all sides of every issue, culminating in the famous dissent by Justice Stevens in Bush v. Gore: “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this years Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nations confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the Rule of Law.”Thousands of other examples could be cited. The Rule of Law is seen as a fragile but crucial ideal, and one that is appropriately invoked whenever governments try to get their way by arbitrary and oppressive action or by short-circuiting the norms and procedures laid down in a countrys laws or constitution. Interfering with the courts, jailing someone without legal justification, detaining people without any safeguards of due process, manipulating the constitution for partisan advantage all these are seen as abuses of the Rule of Law.I would like to consider the role of this ideal in general jurisprudence, that is, in the conceptual work that we do in legal philosophy when we try to explain what law is. I am going to argue for two propositions: I shall argue that our understanding of the Rule of Law and our understanding of the concept of law ought to be much more closely connected than they are in modern jurisprudence; I shall argue also that our understanding of the Rule of Law should emphasize not just the value of settled, determinate rules and the predictability that they make possible, but also the importance of the procedural and argumentative aspects of legal practice.I shall argue, moreover, that these two propositions are connected. It is much easier to grasp the connection between the Rule of Law and the concept of law when we understand the Rule of Law at least partly in terms of procedural and argumentative themes than when we see it purely in terms of determinacy and predictability. The procedural aspect of the Rule of Law helps bring our conceptual thinking about law to life; and an understanding of legal systems that emphasizes argument in the courtroom as much as the existence and recognition of rules provides the basis for a much richer understand of the values that the Rule of Law comprises in modern political argument.51. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT correct?52. According to the author, which of the following is NOT an abuse of the Rule of Law?53. According to the 3rd paragraph, the author thinks that _.54. Which statement is correct according to the 4th paragraph?问题1选项A.Justice Stevens did not agree with the majority of the Justices.B.The year 2000 was a year where Presidential election was held.C.The Justices knew who the loser was in the election.D.At every stage of the debate, the Rule of Law was invoked.问题2选项A.Letting the court decide the final result of the Presidential election.B.Arresting someone without any safeguards of due process.C.A government agency giving orders to courts for specific cases.D.Putting someone into jail without a trial by court.问题3选项A.the scholars understanding of the Rule of Law is correctB.the understanding of the Rule of Law should emphasize both the substantive and procedural aspectsC.when people try to explain what law is, they talk about the Rule of LawD.laws are settled, determinate rules问题4选项A.One should look at the Rule of Law at least partly in terms of p
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