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语法专题复习 - 名词性从句高考真题1. I havent the slightest idea .(talk)我一点也不知道他正在说什么。2. The fact makes him very upset.(fail)他失败了几次的事实使他心烦意乱。3. ,she told me , was her family.(important)她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家庭。4. News came from the school office BeijingUniversity.(admit)学校办公室传出了王琳已被北京大学录取的消息。5. doesnt made much difference .(abroad)他是否出过国没有多大影响。6. With the rapid development of science and technology, Ican timagine in the years. (what)随着科学技术的顺速发展,我无法想象我的家乡 10 年后会是什么样子 .7. Things aren talways .(appear)事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。强化训练1. She asked me my dictionary. ( lend )她问我是否我能够借给她我的字典。2. The orderhasnt reached us, so we dont knowwhether we have enough time to visit you.(return)我们还没收到什么时候返回的命令,所以我们不知道是否有充足的时间去拜访你3. One common question about animals isspecial sensingabilities.(have)关于动物的一个普遍问题是他们是否有特殊的感官水平。4. Five hours is for you to travel from Beijing to Shanghaiin 2011 on a high speed railway linking the two cities.(take)对你来说,在 2011 年乘高铁从北京到上海需要五个小时。5. How do you like the suggestion abroad toStudy on their own? (send) 你认为孩子们被送到国外独立学习的建议怎么样?6. At first, they took it for granted the library.(access)起初,他们想当然的认为,每个人都能够自由进入图书馆。7. in science when she was young may have beendue to her father sinfluence. (become)她年轻时对自然科学感兴趣,这可能应归于她父亲的影响。8. The professor doesn t know the medicinecan be tested on human patients. (before)那位教授不知道还有多久才能将这药在病人身上试验。9. We all hold the view, we can succeedin fighting against the big earthquake. (hold) 我们都认为,如果我们团结在一起,我们能够成功的抵御大地震。10. Asia is no longer . (be)亚洲不再是过去的样子了。11. The mottoes science and business can worktogether to build the future. (make) 那些标语表明了科学技术和商业能够结合在一起共创未来。12. in the beginning is still a mystery. (come)生命是如何形成的,至今还是个迷。13. The father said that was wrong, he wouldteach him a lesson. (do)那位父亲说,如果他儿子所做的一切是错误的,他会好好教训他一顿。14. was that lots of roads were destroyed inthe earthquake. (rescue )使救援工作更艰难的事情是很多道路在地震中被毁了。15. in learning English is enough practice. (matter)在英语学习中最要紧的是充足的练习。16. the old house is still unknown. (do)政府将怎样处理那些旧房子,我们仍然一无所知。17. His suggestion is .(change)他的建议是我们应该改变课程。18. practice is our important aim. (apply)知识应用于实践是我们的目标。19. She told me she was satisfied with .(do)她告诉我她满意我所做的任何事情。
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